Learn to program in Ruby with these free YouTube courses


Below we are going to show you a series of video courses with which you can learn, without paying a single euro, one of the most in-demand programming languages. Many companies are currently looking for employees who have knowledge of Ruby.

It is true that there are many programming languages ​​that we can use to enter this interesting software sector. Here we are going to focus on a proposal that has been with us since its creation in the 90s. In fact, over the years its reputation has increased and companies are increasingly looking for more workers who know the secrets of this language. .

Initially, it is characterized by offering us a very intuitive syntax, which for many makes it one of the best proposals for novice users. We must also keep in mind that we are faced with an object-oriented alternative valid for all types of programmers. One of the main objectives of its creator was to combine simplicity and productivity with elegance and power.

Hence precisely the versatility that this sought-after Ruby language offers us for a multitude of development environments. If you want to get into programming or delve deeper into this language, we are going to give you a hand. These are courses in the form of YouTube videos, which are also free, and you can continue at your own pace to learn Ruby.

Ruby Courses on YouTube

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the courses we mention below is that they are free and we can also follow them whenever we have time. This learning method is very different from when we had to access training centers in person in the past.

What’s more, we have made a selection of these videos to learn how to program that are in Cervantes’ language and thus try to make things a little easier for you. And many of the courses we find on YouTube, belonging to all types of categories, are in English, which is a problem for some.

Ruby course. First of all, we will talk to you about a course that you can find for free on YouTube and that starts from the most basic concepts. It is made up of a total of 40 independent lessons that we can follow at our own pace. Furthermore, it will be very useful if we already have certain knowledge if we want to delve into certain structures or modes of operation.

Ruby course – OpenBootcamp. We find another interesting proposal of this type that also focuses on both new users and those who already have some experience with this language. The entire course is made up of 32 videos that we can view at our own pace depending on the time we have or our knowledge.

Ruby from Scratch. As its name indicates, thanks to this other free YouTube course you will have the possibility of learning Ruby, even if you have no prior knowledge of all of it. In addition, it is very well structured and categorized into a total of 62 lessons in the form of independent videos to make it easier for us to follow. All of this allows us to start directly with any of these choices if we already have prior knowledge of the language.

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