Which country is best to connect a VPN to, are they all the same or does it depend on their laws?


Users like you who spend all day online should already be aware of the importance of having a VPN. Beyond the advantages for the user, which is more freedom and privacy, there are certain things that can improve your experience with a VPN, such as the country you connect to. Read on to find out which one is the best.

If you are a VPN user, or are thinking of getting one, one of the first questions that will surely come to your mind will be: which country is the best place to connect a VPN? It is clear that you want to mask your connection, and the only country on the list that, for the moment, you know you are not going to choose is Spain. And North Korea, you probably know that you should not choose that one. I don’t think you can. Jokes aside, let’s see which country is the best idea to connect your VPN to.

Choose the perfect country to connect your VPN

The best country to connect your VPN depends on what you’re going to use it for. That is, if you want a faster connection and to access more content without putting your data at risk, it doesn’t matter which country you connect your VPN to. Some are better and some are worse. Which ones are more recommended, depending on what you’re going to do? First, find out why it’s important to choose one country or another to set the location of your VPN server.

How close you are to the VPN server will influence how fast or slow your connection will be because hiring one that is a few km away can reduce latency and improve stability. But it is possible that your priority is content that is blocked for your location, so you will want a different location. In this case, you should find out about the laws that each country has regarding connection privacy and data protection. Always choose those that offer you the best guarantees.

Check that the VPN is working properly

The best countries to connect your VPN.

You might be all indignant right now, thinking that you had the summer off, and I just told you to study the laws of each country regarding connection privacy and data protection. We’re going to make it very easy for you, here I tell you which are the best countries to connect your VPN.

  • Switzerland: Known for the tax freedom it offers its citizens, your data and privacy will be safe here. The country’s culture, based on respect for everyone’s freedom, makes it perfect for those looking for security in a nearby location. And, not being in the European Union, it has its own data protection regulations.
  • Iceland: The Nordic country has a long-standing commitment to freedom of expression, and currently maintains a neutral stance regarding the Internet. That makes it a great choice for connecting your VPN. It also has fast and reliable connections.
  • Canada: Here, too, there is much more freedom of expression and protection of one’s privacy. They have a well-developed Internet infrastructure.
  • Estonia: One of the first nations to have e-government and a more advanced technological infrastructure than the rest makes it a good place to connect your VPN due to the few content restrictions and the great freedom of expression there is.
  • United Kingdom: Its high-speed infrastructure and few restrictions on Internet freedom make it a great option if you are looking for reliability and speed.

Considering the connection speed, privacy and security, access to content, stability and reliability of VPN servers, you will be sure to make the right choice. In addition, we have already put you on the track of the best countries for this. In any case, you should keep in mind that you will always get the maximum download and upload speed if you connect to the same country from which you are connecting. With VPNs, it is essential to always connect to the physically closest server, so you will have the maximum speed and also the minimum latency. Another very important aspect is that you should always choose the WireGuard VPN protocol, this protocol is the fastest and safest currently available, it will allow us to achieve speeds of over 500Mbps without many problems. Right now, the vast majority of VPN services support this protocol, both with their official applications, as well as by downloading a configuration file and using the official WireGuard app for smartphones. In the event that this protocol is not available, the second fastest is usually OpenVPN with the UDP protocol, this has been around for many years and works really well, although it is not as fast as the previous one, but it is just as secure if a good selection of encryption algorithms has been made by the VPN service.

If you are interested in hiring a paid VPN, you can try the ones from CyberGhost VPN, NordVPN, Surfshark, PureVPN either PrivateVPNall of them will provide you with servers in these countries that we have indicated, in addition, they have a no-logs policy to have the maximum possible privacy. Another important aspect is that these solutions will allow us to download OpenVPN and WireGuard configuration files, so as not to depend on official applications.

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