The biggest threat to our privacy? Learn what data brokers are


Data brokers are companies that collect real and virtual data from people, which they then sell to third-party companies for profit. To obtain this information, data brokers offer users free services in exchange for their data, that is, in exchange for giving up part of their privacy. They are everywhere, in apps, in the newspapers you read, etc. That is why you need to know how to act against them, if you want to keep your data well protected.

It is said that the new gold is data, something quite complex for people, who are continuous sources of data, in a somewhat intangible way. While a gold bar is heavy, physically recognizable and, even if you have never seen one in your life, you could easily recognize it, data is something digital, not physical, and that many times we do not know how to control or protect. And that is what data brokers live on, companies that are dedicated to capturing your data to then sell it to third-party companies, so that they in turn try to sell it to you. It is all quite complex if you do not know what I am talking about, but in this article you will understand who data brokers are, and why they are a threat to our data.

What are Data Brokers?

Data brokers are companies that collect personal information from various sources, such as our online activities, social media, and even purchases in physical stores. All of this information is then analyzed, organized, and sold to other companies.

Why do they do this? So that these companies can use it, whether for targeted advertising, market research or even credit decisions. Although they may not be household names, companies like Acxiom, Experian and Equifax handle a lot of our data. The most worrying thing is that we are often unaware of how much information they are accumulating about us.

For these reasons, it is so important to keep our activities in real and virtual life as safe as possible. Not posting too much about ourselves on social networks is the first step to prevent them from collecting a large amount of information.

Are they a threat to your privacy?

The problem with data brokers is not just the amount of information they collect, but how it is used. For example, they can collect data such as your age, address, purchasing habits, browsing history, your interests, and even medical information. And the more sensitive the data, the more valuable it is in the market.

This lack of control over our information poses several risks. One of the biggest is that our data can be used to create detailed profiles without our consent, putting our privacy at risk. Furthermore, these profiles can be used for discriminatory practices or even to manipulate our decisions through personalized ads.

All about Data Brokers

How to protect yourself from data brokers

Fortunately, although Data Brokers often operate in the shadows, there are ways we can protect our privacy:

  1. Control what you share: Always review the permissions you give when installing an application or creating an online account. Don’t share more information than necessary.
  2. Configure privacy settings on your devices: Make sure you have adjusted the privacy settings on social networks, browsers and any applications you use.
  3. Delete your data: Some data brokers allow you to opt out of data collection. While this isn’t easy, it’s a good option if you value your privacy.
  4. Use tracker blockers: Extensions like uBlock Origin or Privacy Badger will help you block trackers that collect your data while you browse the internet.

In short, Data Brokers are a reality that affects our privacy every day. Although we cannot avoid them entirely, being aware of what information we share and taking steps to protect ourselves can reduce the impact they have on our private lives. Keep your data safe!

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