The guests of Broncano and El Hormiguero’s program are going to be decisive this week


The week begins and, among other things, it means that we are once again in the spotlight of the confrontation between Broncano’s programme, La revuelta, and El Hormiguero. This week, after what happened in the first days of the existence of the La 1 programme, what is clear is that the guests are going to hold the key. How will each of the programmes defend themselves?

The exchange of poisoned darts between La Revuelta and El Hormiguero is being exciting. The battle between the two programs has become a Real Madrid-Barcelona that no one had seen coming and that, possibly, makes it very clear how pigeonholed television is in Spain. Even in the press, you can see positions clearly in favor of one program or another. But, in the end, what matters are the guests. Because the format itself is quickly exhausted and what remains are those people who appear to add spark to the program.

A first week that was epic

The first week ended with a good balance between the two programmes. Both grew in audience and competed successfully for prime time. It is true, however, that Broncano obtained several victories, and even managed to do so with guests who are not exactly the target audience that his rival usually brings. This showed that the Spanish are open to change and that they want something different. However, then Thursday came and Pablo Motos pulled out a wild card. He brought Lamine Yamal and that is a big deal. Football, in general, is a big deal in Spain, but bringing in the player on whom all eyes are focused is a masterstroke.

Raul Cimas as a guest on La Revuelta

The week ended like this, with El Hormiguero regaining its throne, but making several things clear. The first was that the program also understood the need to make changes. Limiting advertising and not becoming the weakest rival because of this was one of them. In addition, they made it clear that they dominate their business and that they know how to tie down guests well in order to establish authority.

At the same time, Broncano did his thing. With the guests, without pressure. He brought Raúl Cimas on Thursday, which is like inviting a beer to that neighbour from the neighbourhood that you really like and with whom you always have a laugh. There was talk of a last-minute change, but the truth is that this type of guest was the best way to be consistent with the programme. If they had tried to counteract the presence of Lamine Yamal on El Hormiguero it would have been a mistake and a resounding defeat.

The second week begins

La Revuelta doesn’t reveal the names of its next guests. In a way, doing so makes sense, because you prepare the ground and warm up the atmosphere, but you also get part of the audience to decide not to watch it. If you know in advance that a guest is coming on Tuesday that doesn’t interest you, you probably won’t even be in front of the television at that time. How many people would have been waiting the other day for the programme with Juan José Millás and Juan Luis Arsuaga as guests? But then, the show starts, you get carried away by the subject and you get hooked, because it’s interesting.

For this reason, Broncano is right not to announce his guests. However, some “wild card” names did come up that could appear on the set at some point. This is the case of Anne Igartiburu, who was mentioned so much last week that it would be obvious that she will appear sooner or later among the guests on David Broncano’s show.

Two of the guests at La Revuelta in the first week

In contrast to what is related to La Revuelta, we do know who El Hormiguero is bringing this week. Today, Monday, they start with Edurne, while on Tuesday it will be the turn of the champion Ilia Topuria, who premieres a film with Movistar Plus+. On the other hand, on Wednesday the guest will be the politician Miguel Ángel Revilla, while the week will end with a good right hook in the form of Antonio Banderas and Marta Ribera.

La Revuelta has the advantage of knowing the guests of its rival programme and also of several good decisions that it has made, such as the start time of the programme. We will have to see how the numbers come out in a second week that could serve to establish Broncano’s programme or for El Hormiguero to confirm that it is not going to give up its leadership.

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