5 YouTube extensions that allow you to get a better experience


The video platform par excellence is YouTube, but it can be a bit chaotic. It’s not unusual for the platform to recommend videos that are trending or that it thinks you might like. We’re going to show you a set of YouTube extensions for the Google Chrome browser that will allow you to better filter the content.

There are currently a huge number of browser extensions that seek to enrich the YouTube experience. We have compiled some of the most interesting ones available that you will surely like to try. We will leave them all in a list and you choose the ones that may interest you.

Improve YouTube

Let’s start by customizing the YouTube interface, since you may not like the current design. Improve YouTube allows you to manage ads, adjust the volume or switch to night mode, among other options. We can install it directly from this link.

This simple extension offers us different actions that we can perform. It allows us to rewind or fast forward a video, activate the full screen, take screenshots and even rotate a video.

improve youtube

Clickbait Remover for YouTube

Many YouTube content creators often use clickbait images to trick the user into watching the video. Normally, these images seek to deceive the user and end up generating frustration. To avoid falling for these scams, there is the Clickbait Remover for YouTube extension that we can use. download from here.

The extension captures images from the video and compares them to the cover image. Even if content creators try to bypass this option, the extension detects it perfectly. It makes it very difficult for us to swallow a video that is actually clickbait.

Clickbait Remover extension for YouTube


The following extension for Chrome is quite interesting, allowing you to control the content that is shown to us on the platform. YTBlock is a extension that allows to limit the content we see on YouTube. It’s a great option if we’re tired of being shown political content or content from YouTubers we don’t like.

This extension allows us to create a blacklist of names so that their videos are not shown to us. It also has the ability to filter by keywords of different kinds. It allows content that has nothing to do with what we are looking for or want to see to not be shown.

ytblock extension

Ratings Preview for YouTube

Something that the platform doesn’t show and that can let us know if a video is good or bad is the “rating”. The rating is nothing more than the percentage of positive votes that a video has in relation to the total. Ratings Preview for YouTube not only shows the percentage of positive votes in relation to the total, but also the number of positive and negative votes.

More than interesting feature of This extensionas it allows users to know their opinions about a video. This information is not displayed, in fact, negative votes are hidden on the platform. It only shows positive votes on videos.

extension Ratings Preview for YouTube


Not many users know that long videos rank better than short ones. Specifically, videos that are longer than 10 minutes rank better than those that are shorter. Then there are factors such as audience retention and other factors.

The problem is that many creators, to reach 10 minutes, end up with a video full of fluff and redundant elements. Well, Glarity is a Chrome extension which uses the capabilities of GPT-4 to provide a summary of the video. Additionally, it offers clear and accurate timelines of the content of each section.

extension glarity

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