All about the new working day of 37.5 hours: rights, obligations and more


It is something that many citizens in our country had been waiting for a long time, and the government has just approved the reduction of the working day to 37.5 hours. Next we are going to tell you everything you need to know about this important change.

And it is that not only this reduction of the working day we tell you is collected, there are also a series of rights and obligations that citizens and companies will have to comply. Moreover, in these moments we can affirm there will be a hardening of the possible sanctions that many will face derived from all this.

First of all we must know that it has just been taken a very important step in this regard that will be fundamental in the workplace in the future. At least that is what is expected at the moment. We refer to the approval of the draft law agreed with the unions to be able to reduce the weekly workday to those desired by many, 37.5 hours. Of course, for the moment all this does not have consensus with the entrepreneurs. In addition, this is a law that is still in the absence of the approval by the Congress, where it is expected to come forward.

We find a draft in which a good amount of discrepancies have been glimpsed within the government. In fact, we are currently talking about a half reality, since it still lacks a long journey in the Congress of Deputies. More than anything because its approval is expected by the majority. This means that in order to enjoy this reduction from working hours at 37.5 hours, we will still have to wait a while. There are certain processes and procedures that have yet to be fulfilled.

Obligations and rights of workers and companies after the reduction

As we commented before, regardless of the obvious advantages that this reduction in working hours will provide many, there are also a series of obligations and rights to fulfill.

Yolanda Diaz Day

  • Despite the reduction of the day with respect to the usual 40 hours per week, this will not affect salaries, something that most workers will appreciate.
  • Some companies may propose to continue with the current working day in terms of number of hours increasing the salary to the worker.
  • Part -time workers may maintain the current schedule with a salary increase once the Law on Day Reduction is approved.
  • Companies will have to adapt to the 100% digital schedule record.

With everything and with that, despite the fact that this is a law that has not yet been launched waiting for its approval in Congress, there are already concrete sectors that are showing their disagreement. This is already echoed, for example, the Hospitality Organization of Spain, where they indicate that this reduction in working hours will become much more complicated in its sector.

They argue that if for the issue of hours they cannot offer the service that was proposed to date, the quality in the hospitality will fall ostensibly. The hospitality employer ensures that this measure, of being carried out, would entail a significant drop in productivity and billing.

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