Every time, children start using new technologies earlier. And while they should always be used with adult supervision, the developers must adhere to very strict rules when it comes to security and privacy. In Android, for example, we can find a specific section dedicated to applications for children, apps and games that have been tested by experts and recommended by teachers. However, under the harmless appearance of these Android apps and games, a very dangerous threat is hidden.
We know very well that when we download an app or a game from the Play Store, it collects a large amount of information about us: our tastes, interests, how we use the software… nothing new. However, data from minors cannot be treated lightly in this way, and developers need to adhere to a much stricter set of rules when collecting and processing this data.
Unfortunately, more than 25% of these apps do not comply.
Apps and games for children do not respect privacy
When developing an app focused on a child audience, it is necessary to comply with a series of standards and rules regarding data processing. These standards are imposed by different organizations within the industry, and it is the application stores themselves that, before placing them in their corresponding space, must validate them.
After analyzing more than 400 apps published within these “safe” spaces for minors, a new report has just shown how 1 in 5 apps supposedly developed for children and minors is not complying with the rules and regulations that should be complied with around everything. regarding the privacy and safety of minors. All of these applications have breached one of the rules established by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or the US COPPA regarding how these applications should treat minors’ data.
In addition, they have also found apps and games that are not appropriate for children (due to their theme or purpose) despite having a PEGI 3 label (for all ages) or PEGI 7 (for children aged 7 and over). 11% of apps collect data without a specific policy for children, and 4% do so using practices not approved by parents or those responsible for minors.
Again, Google controls in evidence
Most of the blame for this lies with Google. The company allows apps and games to be uploaded to its store without restrictions and without any control. For this reason, every so often we come across malware and other threats that can end up infecting our mobile. But the thing does not stop there.
When it comes to something designed for children, or anyone under 18 years of age, the controls should be much more exhaustive, especially if it is going to have a recommended app for children badge or if it is going to be in a specific section for this type of Applications. But these controls do not exist, and for this reason these types of apps end up collecting information from minors illegally and treating it, and selling it, without any kind of care.