Careful! These apps are used by everyone, and they are spying on you


Do you review the apps you install? Many can be a serious problem for your security. Even those that are well known and we all use. In this article we tell you about the latest report from Mozilla where they indicate why some well-known programs may be violating privacy measures. We will also give you some advice so that you avoid problems when you are going to install any type of software.

Some Android apps are spying

According to alerts from Mozilla, some of the main applications that we all have installed on Android take advantage of some privacy loopholes in Google Play. In total they assure that there are more than 40 and we can name some as popular as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or Minecraft.

This comes from a new data transparency system that Google introduced last year for Google Play. This forces developers to disclose certain information about data collection and sharing. They must also disclose certain privacy and security practices. On paper, all programs are required to comply with this.

The problem is that, according to the Mozilla report, about 40 applications do not comply with their privacy policies. They found discrepancies between the privacy policies of the programs and the information they report to Google. This occurs, as they indicate, in 80% of the applications they have analyzed.

As we say, it affects some programs that are widely used in our day to day. For example, the social networks of Facebook, TikTok or Twitter. In fact, 16 of those 40 apps tested received a low rating from Mozilla. Another 15 received an assessment of need to improve and only 6 complied with what they should. The remaining 3 had not directly sent the report to Google.

Does this mean that those apps are spying or stealing data? Not necessarily, but they are in breach of Google’s privacy policy. What they send in the report is not really what they apply.

Privacy of sports applications

How to avoid privacy problems when installing programs

What should we do to avoid privacy problems when we install applications? The first thing is that you should always install them from official sources. You can go to the official website of that program or use trustworthy app stores. Avoid installing software from third-party sites, as that can be a major problem.

It is also essential that you configure the applications you install well. Be careful with the permissions you grant, since sometimes you could be giving access to personal data that you do not want to be leaked. You can always check that in any program you have installed on your mobile or computer.

Another factor to take into account is that you must keep the programs updated at all times. Do not leave outdated applications, as vulnerabilities can sometimes appear and are exploited by hackers to steal data. Always have everything with the latest versions.

In short, as you can see, there are programs that could be breaking privacy policies. However, beyond these examples, it is essential that you always check everything correctly and prevent your personal data from ending up in the wrong hands. Of course, total anonymity on the Internet does not exist. You will always have some minimal risk.

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