ChatGPT is your best companion for these holidays: 3 uses you can give it


Summer is the perfect time to travel, see new places, explore new areas and get away from the tedious routine. But organizing a trip can be quite tedious and laborious, researching the places we should visit. Now you can save yourself all this time by turning ChatGPT into our own travel organizer and guide.

Recently, OpenAI has released the GPT-4o version of its ChatGPT assistant. The greatest strength of this new version is that it is connected to the internet, allowing for higher quality and more up-to-date information to be obtained.

We can use the free version as an assistant or guide on our trip without any problems, but we must take into account the limitations of use. The good thing about this mechanism is that we can organize the trip in advance, generating different itineraries. Once we are on the site, we load the previous requests and enjoy our vacation.

ChatGPT, the best travel organizer

It is becoming increasingly common to ask artificial intelligence to help us with a recipe, to give us a summary of a historical event or to help us learn languages, among other things. There are many capabilities that it offers us and it can be a great ally in our daily lives.

With access to a large amount of information and an internet connection, ChatGPT can help us organize a trip. We can ask it to make us an itinerary through the city, highlight the monuments to visit or which are the cheapest restaurants. But we can go much further.

chatgpt travel guide

The first step in “configuring” ChatGPT as a travel assistant is to assign it a role. Many people skip this step and it can work just fine, but it’s always good to give it context. We can say things like:

  • Act as if you were a travel agent…
  • You are a highly experienced travel assistant…

Next, we need to give them more information, such as the city we are visiting and what we want to do. Even if the trip is for several days, we can ask them to make an itinerary for each day. We can also ask them to specify if there is usually a queue, if you have to pay to enter or how to get there by public transport.

Something very useful when we are going to visit a city abroad is to know some phrases or expressions in the local language that can help us. It is not necessary to have a large vocabulary, just a few things to get by a bit. It may be necessary to ask where there is a service, a metro stop or anything else we need. ChatGPT can help us with this:

  • You are a native German speaker and I want you to tell me ten useful phrases that I might need during my trip to Berlin.

chatgpt organize visit berlin

If we haven’t planned the trip yet, we can ask OpenAI’s AI to give us recommendations. Let’s imagine that we want to visit Scotland and we’re not sure where to go and we have 5 days to visit it. We can ask it to make us an itinerary for the days we’re there. An example could be:

  • You are a travel expert and we want you to organize our visit to Scotland. The trip will last 5 days and we want you to make us a complete itinerary for these days, as well as indicate how we should get around and give us any useful recommendations.

As you can see, the limit is your imagination. Of course, always assign it a fairly clear role and give it as much information as possible. Then it’s just a matter of tweaking this and that, giving you alternatives or ruling out sites that don’t interest you.

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