Control your PC’s fans with this new version of Fan Control


Heat dissipation from the processor and graphics card is very important to get the best possible performance. The Fan Control software, which is open source and completely free, allows us to manage the fan curve. The Fan Control V197 update has just been released, which fixes various problems in the operation of this program.

More and more users want to control all aspects of their computer’s operation to obtain the best performance. These users not only assemble the PC, they also modify different parameters to optimize its operation.

Many users choose to develop fan operating profiles optimized for their needs. Most choose to fine-tune the curves, seeking to make the system work in a comfortable manner and to be able to display its maximum performance. Fan Control allows us to make many adjustments to the cooling system to optimize the performance of the components.

These are the new features in Fan Control V197 software

You may not be familiar with this software, but we are going to explain a little more about it. Fan Control is an open source program and, therefore, completely free. This tool allows the user a flexible mechanism to monitor and adjust the system fans.

Although it is a software that we could call advanced, it has an extremely simple interface. This allows the user to quickly understand how it works and to optimize the cooling of their components.

It offers Fan Control, support for a large number of temperature sensors and fans from different manufacturers. At the same time, it can suffer from different compatibility problems, since there is no manufacturer behind this software. There could be cases of configurations or components that are not compatible, but this case is becoming increasingly rare.

fan control software

One of the most interesting aspects is that the user can store different profiles. This allows us to have a profile for everyday use and one for games, where we will need greater heat dissipation capacity. It also allows us to export and import profiles, in case we want to transfer the configuration to another system or we want to format the computer.

Fan Control V197 brings a new sensor reset routine that has been improved to provide more accuracy. Additionally, a minor graphical error in the current temperature display has been fixed.

Missing errors are displayed when restoring tray temperature icons. Software hides fan speed cards by default. Boot detections and obsolete detection are removed, using auto-calibration by default.

Perhaps the most important thing is the update of the LibreHardwareMonitorLib library. This is important, since this library is where all the temperature detection and fan operation sensors are included. Therefore, compatibility with the different components is increased.

Download the program

If you want to download and install this program you can do it from two places. The first one is from its main website, which we can access from this link. And the second one is directly from its GitHub repository, where we will also find all the other versions of this program.

Please note that this software is updated periodically, approximately every two weeks. Occasionally, updates may be given very close together if a major error is detected, which is attempted to be corrected as soon as possible.

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