
The drug Wegoby to combat obesity can now be purchased in Spain

Starting May 1, the drug Wegovy (semaglutide) will be available in Spain with a prescription, which has the same active ingredient as Ozempic, indicated for the treatment of obesity in non-diabetic...

Europe authorizes a pen administered by Mounjaro to treat obesity

The European Commission authorizes the marketing of KwikPen, a pen prefilled with the drug Mounjaro (tirzepatide) that will facilitate its administration in patients with obesity or diabetes and will accelerate its...

The non-prescription gel that gets an erection in 10 minutes arrives in Spain

A gel to combat erectile dysfunction that is applied to the tip of the penis and can achieve an erection in just 10 minutes is now available in Spain and can...

Common antibiotic could fight infections like COVID or flu

Administering the antibiotic neomycin into the nasal passages triggers a rapid immune response and can help treat or prevent respiratory infections caused by viruses, such as COVID-19 and the flu, a...

They discover how to prevent heart damage associated with anti-cancer therapy

Researchers at the National Cardiovascular Research Center (CNIC) have identified possible ways to prevent anthracycline-based cancer treatment from causing damage to the heart, such as heart failure.Anthracyclines are a group of...

End of booster doses? They propose a new universal vaccine strategy

They develop a new safe RNA-based vaccination strategy that could become the 'universal vaccine' because it would protect against any viral strain, including flu or coronavirus variants, thus avoiding booster doses.Each...

AI accelerates the search for drugs to treat Parkinson’s by 10

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have used artificial intelligence techniques to significantly speed up the identification of the most promising candidates for treating Parkinson's disease and enable cost savings.The use...

Antipsychotics for dementia cause more damage than previously thought

They reveal that administering antipsychotic medications to people with dementia has more adverse effects than previously thought, as it can increase the risk of suffering various serious health problems, especially when...

An experimental drug slows down the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s

Treatment with the drug prasinezumab, a monoclonal antibody, reduces the worsening of motor symptoms in people with Parkinson's with rapid disease progression, a phase 2 trial with 316 patients shows.Parkinson's disease...

The CSIC finds a combination of drugs that eliminates SARS-CoV-2

The combination of the drugs ribavirin and remdesivir is effective in quickly eliminating the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and opens new avenues of treatment for vulnerable patients, according to research led by CSIC...

They discover that cilastatin protects against eye damage from glaucoma

Researchers from the Gregorio Marañón Hospital and the UCM have proven that the drug cilastatin, which is used against infections, protects retinal neurons and reduces inflammation and could help prevent eye...

An oral vaccine can prevent urinary tract infections for up to 9 years

MV140 is a new vaccine to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections up to 9 years that is administered orally every day for three months and could offer a safe and effective...

An oral antidiabetic could stop motor symptoms of Parkinson’s

The motor symptoms experienced by Parkinson's patients could be reduced thanks to the oral medication lixisenatide, which is already used to treat diabetes and has shown promise in slowing the progression...

Chemicals in household products harm brain health

Products such as shampoos and commonly used objects such as furniture contain certain chemicals that could be linked to neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and autism, according to a study...

The drug pregabalin is associated with almost 3,400 deaths in the United Kingdom

The drug pregabalin, used to treat epilepsy or anxiety, and sold under names such as Lyrica or Alzain, could be responsible for the deaths of almost 3,400 people in the United...

Sotyktu, an innovative pill financed for psoriasis, arrives in Spain

Deucravacitnib (Sotyktu®) is an innovative treatment for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults that is taken orally as one tablet per day and will be funded by the public health...

Experimental slimming pill reduces 13% of weight in just 3 months

Amicretin is a new diet pill that in its first trial has managed to double the effectiveness of new 'miracle' anti-obesity drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy, as participants lost 13%...

A compound in broccoli could help prevent and treat strokes

A natural compound derived from broccoli can improve the effectiveness of antithrombotic medication to treat strokes without causing side effects such as bleeding and prevent these events in at-risk patients.Stroke is...

They investigate the immune response of a German who received 217 COVID vaccines

German scientists are examining the exceptional case of a 62-year-old man who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 more than 200 times in 29 months in order to investigate how hypervaccination affects...

Spain will finance empagliflozin to treat chronic kidney disease

Health approves the financing of empaglifozin to treat chronic kidney disease in adults, which has been shown to reduce the risk of disease progression and cardiovascular death and the risk of...

Finasteride for hair loss could lower cholesterol

Men who take finasteride to treat alopecia or benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower cholesterol levels, and mice given the drug also see cardiovascular benefits.Finasteride is a medication that is primarily used...

The EMA recommends approving the second drug against ALS in the EU

The European Medicines Agency recommends approving Qalsody (tofersen) to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in adults with the SOD1 mutation, after proving that it reduces neuronal damage and improves motor abilities.Amyotrophic...

Vydura, the first drug to prevent and treat migraine, arrives in Spain

Vydura, from Pfizer, is the first medication to prevent and treat migraine attacks in adults that reduces pain during the first two hours and provides sustained relief for up to two...

A revolutionary drug can help prevent rheumatoid arthritis

They demonstrate that the biological drug abatacept, which is already used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, can also prevent its onset in people at risk of developing this inflammatory disease, according to...

They create a super killer antibiotic to kill multi-resistant bacteria

They design a new antibiotic, cresomycin, capable of acting effectively against many drug-resistant infections, as it kills many strains of multidrug-resistant bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.The resistance of bacteria...

Drug for cocaine addiction could treat colon cancer

The drug vanoxerin to treat cocaine addiction suppresses the activity of cancer stem cells in tissues of patients with colon cancer and in tumors in laboratory animals and could help combat...

A cancer drug could also help treat Parkinson’s

Spanish researchers prove that Rucaparib, a drug used against several types of cancer, could help in the treatment of Parkinson's thanks to the biochemical transformations it undergoes within the body.From time...

Scientists code ChatGPT to design new drugs

Californian scientists have developed their own GenAI model similar to CHATGPT to design new synthetic drug compounds to treat diseases.Generative AI platforms, from ChatGPT to Midjourney, are making headlines in 2023....

Drugs to treat erectile dysfunction reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

A study of almost 270,000 men reveals that those who took drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra or Cialis, were 18% less likely to develop Alzheimer's, so they could...

Spain will finance nivolumab for the treatment of lung cancer

Health approves the financing of the drug nivolumab (Opdivo) in combination with chemotherapy after a trial has shown that it improves the treatment of lung cancer and increases patient survival.The drug...