Credits are very useful, since they can give you solvency at a time when you do not have the liquidity to pay or buy something you need. So if you are here, it is surely because you requested a loan and due to some failure in the payments you ended up in the credit history of the credit bureau.
Do you want to know how to get out of it and you don’t know how? Don’t worry, because that’s what you have us for. In this article that we have prepared for you, you will be able to find the solution to this credit history problem and get out of it definitively.
What is the credit bureau?
It is a private company that is responsible for collecting information on people’s behavior with credits and providing it to its affiliated companies, that is, any person who has a critical history will be in the database of this company. How does it work when requesting a loan online?
It should be noted that the information found in the Credit Bureau is completely confidential, no one will have access to it unless they are a member of the same company.
It is important to maintain a clean credit history, since this depends on whether a certain entity will grant you a loan or not, and if they give it to you, it will be with very high interest.
Taking this into account and if you are behind in your payments, it is normal for you to ask yourself, how long does it take for all debts to disappear? o How to leave the credit bureau or clean the history? In this article we will show you how to do it.
How to clean the history in the credit bureau?
We will show you 5 simple steps that you can do to get out of the Bureau once and for all and we recommend that you keep up with your payments so that you are not registered again with a bad history in this company.
1.- You must make sure how many times you have been reported and where the reports come from.
This is very easy to do, you simply have to go to the credit history for free in the Credit Bureau. In this section you can see who has reported you and see your credit situation. It is important that you review it, since you can be reported without prior notice, we use the basic bills of your home as an example. That is why it is important to check the Credit Bureau online
2. Try to reach an agreement
If your debt is very large, it is possible that you will not have enough funds to pay it in full. That is why it is important to reach an agreement with the entity that is reporting to you so that you can achieve what is called “Restructuring”.
If you achieve this, there is the possibility of paying a fixed monthly fee and they can even take away most of the interest earned. This structuring is extremely important because if you only pay part of it, they may no longer call you, but you will still be in the credit history of the credit bureau. This would affect, as we mentioned before, the fact that they can provide you with credits again.
3. If in the history of the credit bureau you do not know a certain record, let us know
You must visit the website quickly to clarify what happened, and make the claim in the face of inaccurate information, since in the worst case it can be a sign of identity theft. So to clarify these cases, what you have to do is contact “Condusef” so that they can solve your problem.
This is specially created to prevent problems like this from happening to you, hence the importance of keeping up to date with your history.
4. Keep up with your payments
This is undoubtedly the best way to keep your debt history healthy, which unfortunately some people do not do. But getting into the habit of diligently paying off debt will save you trouble and open the door to new credit.
5. Take care not to be deceived
It is possible that you will meet people who offer you the opportunity to clean your history in the credit bureau. You must be very careful because it is a big scam, since this action is impossible to do because only the Bureau can delete you after a certain time.
So do not fall into this trap because it is impossible to erase yourself from the history immediately and anyone who tells you otherwise is a vile liar.