How to know if my processor or PC is 32 or 64 bits


In the case of computers and other devices, there are two architectures that dominate the spectrum, 32bit and 64bit. Even so, many have doubts about what their processor is, so how to know if my processor or PC is 32 or 64 bits is essential.

In fact, knowing what a CPU is and what it is for, in addition to what types there are, is very important today. In addition to this, knowing the architecture is just as relevant, essentially when running applications. Do not worry, the method to know this information is quite simple.

If you want to know what type of processor you have, you are in the ideal place, since here we care about teaching in the easiest way possible. In this case you will learn to recognize if your system is 32 (also called x86) or 64 bits.

How to know if my processor or PC is 32 or 64 bits

The truth is that knowing what processor you have, how many cores it has and the architecture of your computer is very simple. It could also be very convenient for many tasks and operations, without further delay read this information carefully:

Find out if your PC is 32 or 64 bit

  • To easily find out what the nature of your computer is, you must first start it normally. Wait until it loads properly and go to Start.
  • At the beginning, locate the Team option, in case you do not find it, do not worry, you can search for it by typing “Team” in the search engine. Wait for the option to appear and right-click on it.
  • Once you have pressed right click, locate the Properties option and press there.

You can also access this option by going to Control Panel, then System and Security, then System (this may vary depending on your operating system).

  • When you have clicked on Properties or System, a new screen will appear with multiple options and information. In this place information related to the equipment will appear, locate System, there you will see the name of your processor, the amount of Ram in the system and also the type of system.
  • It is in that last option where you will see if your system is 32 or 64 bits.

Know if your processor is 32 or 64 bits

This is the way to know what the type of system of your PC is, as you will see it is very simple. It is also very convenient to take it into account for the installation of some programs and applications.

What is the use of knowing the architecture of my system?

Knowing if your computer is 32 or 64 bits is very important, in fact it is something that you should always keep in mind. Either way, you are probably wondering why it is important? Here we will answer that question.

ram limit

The 32-bit system is currently considered a disused system, since it is old and has some bugs. Undoubtedly one of the most important flaws that x86 systems have is the limit of Ram that can be used.

In the case of 32-bit OS, the Ram limit is 4GB, a figure that today is too short for many tasks, such as games. This is solved with a 64-bit system, since it has practically no limit in terms of Ram.

Knowing this information is important in case you want to install a new RAM, because if it exceeds 4GB, it cannot be used by the system.

Applications that require 64 bits

In addition to the previous point, today there are many applications that require the use of a 64-bit system, so they will not run on 32-bit systems. In fact, it is best to have a 64-bit system, since it is a more modern architecture.

Due to the above, it is worth knowing if a program is 32 or 64 bits with the Exeproperties App, since in this way you will have total security if the software will work on your computer.

space for processor

The 32 bits are good for less powerful devices or also for cell phones, where this usually does not matter since the consumption is not as high as on a PC, but if you have a powerful computer, it is best to choose a 64-bit OS.

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