How to remove or disable the vibration of the SwiftKey keyboard on Android phones


There are various Apps or applications that can be downloaded from the Android platform of your cell phone to facilitate or improve the experience in managing the equipment.

The best keyboards to download on Android phones are Apps designed to adapt the writing, the text or the size of the fonts according to the needs or preferences of the users and it is possible to change the keyboard of my Android phone easily, to use the one you want. best suits your needs.

SwiftKey Keyboard is a widely recognized App in the market that competes with many others, but it differs in the quality of service it can provide to its users, since it is a largely predictive type of keyboard.

SwiftKey adapts to the type of words that its users constantly use, thus facilitating communication from the device, and allowing text through different social networks or messaging to be transmitted even faster, allowing you to write special characters on an Android cell phone with keyboard.

Remove or disable SwiftKey keyboard vibration on Android phones

letters keyboard set

The SwiftKey keyboard is an easy-to-use platform, however, since its installation it has some configurations that its users may like or bother. Of course, all these can be adapted according to the needs or requirements.

The vibration emitted by the touch screen of the Android keyboard allows the user to feel with their fingertips as many times as they press the keyboard. This vibration can become uncomfortable for some, so it can be deactivated in four simple steps:

  • Access the SwiftKey Keyboard App

  • You can see in the upper left three lines that resemble the settings menu
  • Click on the More option. There you will have access to various options, including Sound and vibration
  • You will notice that the vibration option was activated and you just have to uncheck it.

Advantages and disadvantages of vibrate mode on the SwiftKey keyboard

keyboard letters spanish

The main advantage of the vibration mode of the SwiftKey keyboard is related to the sensitivity of the Android screen. It has surely happened that you keep the device in your bag or pocket without locking and the contact with other objects causes inadvertent calls and other activities. The vibration of the SwiftKey keyboard alerts the movement of the device and prevents these things from happening.

Some disadvantages of the vibration mode have to do with the type of user that uses the App. If you are one of the people who prefer to have your device in a silent profile, this type of configuration can be annoying.

How to make other settings in SwiftKey Keyboard

When you download SwiftKey Keyboard, some settings in the app will be affected by the previous settings of the letter on the device and by the zoom of the screen.

The size can be modified by entering the App and selecting the writing, change font size option. The keyboard color can be modified in the same way when entering, touching option and selecting font color.

Swiftkey as the main App in the Android keyboard market

The SwiftKey keyboard platform competes extensively with various Apps that have been developed, but among these it accentuates the similarity that exists between SwiftKey and the Gboard keyboard. Regarding assistance and benefits provided to the user.

SwiftKey was highlighted by the renowned British physicist and scientist Stephen Hawking, since due to some difficulties that this physicist had in communicating, he expressed that SwiftKey had greatly facilitated their communication,

Thanks to what has been called by the platform as a pulsation heat map that intelligently stores the words most used by the user.

SwiftKey is a versatile and smart keyboard that you can get for free from your Android device. It allows the predictive text to create associated and coherent words just by sliding your finger, and not only that, you can change the color and design of the font and effects, which is why millions of users download this app daily.

Finally we hope that this article has been to your liking, however we would like to know, were you able to perform the steps successfully? Do you think that this configuration allows you to type faster on the keyboard of an Android cell phone? Leave us your answers in the comments.

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