How to request the pension of 6,784 euros for housewives right now


All housewives will be able to collect up to 6,784 euros of pension, as long as they meet a series of requirements that we will explain later. From a lifetime, this work at home has been undervalued by society. Time weighs on everyone, and you will not always be able to perform that job. However, this was one of the jobs that did not qualify for retirement benefit.

However, relatively recently, the Congress of Deputies has already validated the Royal Decree-Law that recognizes the right to unemployment for housewives. But how can you apply? That is just what we are going to see, in addition to the conditions that must be met.

Unemployment requirements for housewives

The annual amount of the aid is up to 6,784 euros per year, that is, 484.61 euros per month. After knowing this, it is time to know the requirements for the right to the benefit. Therefore, we are going to see what are the conditions that every housewife must meet if she wants to receive the non-contributory benefit in Spain:

  • Be 65 years or older.

  • Having lived in Spanish territory for ten years.
  • If the person lives alone, the income does not have to exceed 6,784.54 euros per year. On the other hand, if the person lives accompanied, the income of the Economic Coexistence Unit will be governed. But, at all times, the following amounts cannot be exceeded:
    • If you live with a spouse or second degree relatives: 2 – 11,533.72 euros per year, 3 – 16,282.90 euros per year, 4 – 21,032.08 euros per year and 5 – 25,781.26 euros per year.

    • First degree cohabitants: 2 – 28,834.30 euros per year, 3 – 40,707.25 euros per year, 4 – 52,580.20 euros per year and 5 – 64,453.15 euros per year.


Finally, we cannot forget to mention that to collect this benefit every month, you cannot collect another benefit from Social Security. More than anything, because from the Public Administration it is explained that the collection of this aid is compatible with the receipt of a contributory retirement or widow’s pension.

How can you apply?

Now, if all these requirements are met. We can now proceed to request this benefit. To do this, you have to know that it will not be the same as requesting a contributory benefit, which is done through Social Security. In this case, as it is non-contributory, that is, as it is an unemployment that does not have a base in the individual contribution, the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) is not in charge, but it is the responsibility of the autonomous communities.

That is why it will be necessary to access the website of each Autonomous Community and enter the section enabled by each community. In them, we can find a form and registration that will have to be filled out and completed. The term of the resolution can be from 3 to 6 months, depending on each community. However, from the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services, it is explained that the application for this pension can also be submitted at the ‘Imserso’ offices or at any other Social Security office, where the corresponding form will be provided, or by mail’.


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