If you are a programmer, this website should be your home page


With the passage of time, we have more and more applications, services and platforms that help us in everything related to programming. This is precisely why a growing number of users are launching themselves into the development sector even without having prior knowledge. Therefore, if you are a programmer or you plan to enter this market, we are going to talk about something very interesting, the Devdocs website.

Just a few years ago to enter the programming sector we had to have extensive knowledge of one or more languages. This became especially complex when much of this work was carried out with low-level programming languages. But little by little this is a market that is opening up to a greater number of people. Even those who do not have prior knowledge of languages ​​of this type can start creating their own applications or even games.

Obviously it will be very helpful to know the basic concepts of programming in order to obtain more professional results. And it’s not just the development platforms that others offer us that help us anymore. It is also interesting to know that we have at our disposal, especially through the Internet, a huge amount of documentation and courses. In fact, whether you are a user with knowledge of this type of work, or you are just starting out, we are going to talk about an element that will be of enormous help.

Specifically, we are referring to a website that you should possibly set as the home page of your browser thanks to everything it offers us. And it is that it focuses on offering a huge amount of useful content for software developers and programmers of all kinds, as we will see below.

See the Devdocs website created to help us program

In addition, it is important to know that we are going to talk about a fully customizable website in terms of its appearance. This means that we will have the possibility to specify the contents that we want to have at hand when developing our projects. We already told you before that this website offers a huge amount of help elements for the development of applications, but not everyone needs the same content.

Thus, although everyone has the same elements at their disposal, by customizing the interface of this website we will be able to give priority to some over others. The website in question we are referring to is called devdocs and it is worth knowing that it is completely free.

devdoc interface

In turn, thanks to Devdocs we will have the possibility of using all the content stored here without an internet connection if we need it. We find help elements that we can use in projects developed in languages ​​such as HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

To take advantage of all this, we only have to display the corresponding lists that appear in the left panel of the web. In fact, one of the strong points of this platform is the simplicity of use that it offers us. This greatly helps us to locate those contents, scripts and pieces of software that we need in each case. It is also interesting to know that here, Devdocs, we have a powerful search engine that will help us locate these elements.

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