If you buy any device online, do this to avoid risks


Buying online is something that is widespread, it is safe and you can even find very interesting offers. However, the truth is that sometimes we can find scams. We may buy a product that is not what we expected, that does not work well, or that is even a security risk. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about what you should do whenever you buy a device online and thus avoid problems.

The goal is to maintain security at all times. It is key to avoid risks, prevent them from stealing information, sneaking in a virus, etc. Just by taking into account some keys that we are going to give you, you will be more protected and you will reduce the risk of suffering cyber attacks through these devices that you have bought.

Security when buying a device online

This, especially, should be applied if you have bought something second-hand or if you have done it through a website that does not inspire confidence. For example, you may have bought a home automation device, a peripheral for your computer, a mobile phone, etc. Check some things, it’s going to be important.

Check what you expected

The first thing you should do is something as simple as verifying that what you have received is what you expected. If you have bought a hard drive, a mobile or whatever, check that it really is the model you were waiting for. There are scams where they could send you a fake, another brand, etc.

This will help you reduce the risk of problems. If you are using a modified version of a device, they could have slipped in some form of malware to steal your passwords or personal data. Be careful with this and always alert.

update devices

The next step is to update the devices or at least check that you have the latest version installed. If you bought a device online, it might come with an outdated version installed. It doesn’t mean it’s dangerous, but it could be. Maybe there is a vulnerability and it should be fixed.

Therefore, whatever type of device you have purchased, something that we recommend is that you update it. Install the latest version of the firmware, as well as any programs that you can use when using that device.

Update the system safely

See that you don’t have weird software

This is important. They could spy on you with your mobile or any device you have bought, if they have previously installed some malicious software. They could be stealing personal information, data and ultimately making your privacy and security compromised and you may have problems on the network.

You should always check that it does not have some strange software, some program that has slipped in just to do harm. It does not matter if it is a second-hand device or a new one, since in the latter case there have been situations of this type and it is advisable to avoid them so as not to have problems.

If it’s second hand, reset it

Especially if it is a second-hand device, it is best that you reset it. For example, if you have bought a mobile phone over the Internet and it belongs to someone else, second-hand, we recommend that you format it completely and leave it with the factory settings so as not to have a problem.

The same should apply to any hard drive, memory or device that you have purchased over the Internet. This will help you reduce the risk and avoid problems that may affect your day to day.

As you can see, it is key that you take certain measures when you buy a device online. The goal is to minimize risk, be prepared for potential attacks, and protect your privacy. If you follow these tips, you will be able to avoid many attacks.

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