Is your PC an A or a low pass? Find out with this program


When we buy a piece of computer equipment, depending on our knowledge and our budget, we can end up buying a machine that will last us many years or a piece of equipment that, right out of the box, is useless at all. If we want to know what are the benefits that a PC offers us, this application will help us find out.

We are talking about the Wagnardsoft application, an application that will analyze all the components of our equipment and assign a score that will allow us to know the general performance compared to similar or superior equipment.

Know the performance of your PC with Wagnardsoft

Wagnardsoft is a totally free application that is responsible for analyzing the operation and performance of our equipment when it is subjected to heavy tasks to verify what it is capable of offering. To do so, it analyzes the performance of the processor, the graphics card and the hard drive mainly and offers us a score that allows us to know the performance of a single processor or all the processors in operation.

These data are compared with the scores obtained by other users with computers with similar features, both in terms of processor and RAM and graphics card. In this way, if our score is well below equipment with similar features, we must begin to look for what could be the problem that is affecting the performance of our PC.

The user interface is very simple. The main screen (and the only one of the application), offers us in the upper left part, the configuration of our equipment such as the processor model (includes number of cores and threads), RAM memory, graphics card, Windows version and the motherboard. base.


Just below, we have two ways to know the performance of our PC. On the one hand, there is the Benchmark option, which assigns a performance score using one core or all the cores of the processor.

On the other hand, there is the Stress Test option, an option that allows us to submit the equipment during the time that we establish, to an excessive workload to find out how it behaves continuously to find out if any of the components raises the temperature significantly during the process (synonymous with poor refrigeration) or if it stops suddenly, due to a malfunction with one of the components of our equipment.

It is a portable application, so it is not necessary to install it and we can always take it with us on a USB to know the performance of any PC. The application comes in an executable file that is unzipped when you run it.

Wagnardsoft is a completely free application that we can download directly from the developer’s website, which we can access through the following link. If you do not like the application, we can collaborate with it through a donation.

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