Main mistakes that you should avoid when working in the Cloud environment


In recent years, cloud infrastructure worldwide has grown by 35%, which means that more and more companies and businesses around the world are working in the Cloud environment. As always happens when new measures are adopted or big masses of people jump on the bandwagon, mistakes happen. That’s what it means to be early adopters, of a new way of doing things. In this article, you will discover the main mistakes to avoid when working in the Cloud environment.

If you are thinking about migrating your company to the Cloud environment, or have done so recently, it is surely a good idea for you to know the main mistakes to avoid when working in this type of environment. Do not do this if you work in the Cloud environment, because, although you will surely find many advantages, it is also easy to make mistakes that affect the efficiency and security of your company. So, it is best that you know the mistakes that you should avoid to get the most out of the cloud and ensure that your migration and cloud management are a success.

Undefined cloud management strategies

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when migrating to the cloud is not having a clear strategy. Sometimes companies jump into this environment without properly planning, which can lead to chaos later on. It is essential to have a long-term vision that is aligned with the objectives of your business.

Defining a strategy not only involves deciding which applications or data to migrate, but also establishing how you will manage those resources over time. If you don’t, you risk losing control of your processes and data, affecting the productivity of your company.

Underestimate hidden costs

Although the cloud can be cheaper than maintaining physical infrastructure, one of the most common mistakes is not anticipating all the associated costs. Services such as network traffic, API calls, and data transfer can generate unexpected expenses if you don’t take them into account.

My advice is to review all aspects of your cloud implementation and regularly monitor expenses. Cloud platforms usually offer tools to monitor costs in real time, use them to avoid surprises on the invoice.

Thinking that security depends only on the provider

This is a critical error. Even if your cloud provider offers a secure service, the final responsibility for your data is yours. It is not enough to blindly trust cloud security measures. You must implement your own security policies and protocols.

Establish strict access controls, use encryption for your sensitive data, and ensure your team is trained in good security practices. This way you can prevent breaches that could cost you dearly both in financial and reputational terms.

Non-progressive cloud migration

One of the costliest mistakes you can make is trying to migrate everything to the cloud at once. The key to a successful migration is to do it gradually, evaluating each step and ensuring that applications work correctly in the new environment.

Start with pilot projects or less critical applications, and when you feel confident, migrate the most sensitive parts of your infrastructure. This way, you’ll avoid service interruptions and have time to make adjustments if something doesn’t go as planned.

Lack of advice and technical skills

Not everyone on your team needs to be cloud experts, but it is important that you have the right staff or that you seek advice from experts in the field. The cloud is a complex environment, and without proper knowledge, you could make mistakes that compromise the performance and security of your operations.

Don’t hesitate to invest in training for your team or hire external consulting. In the long term, this will save you a lot of headaches and allow you to make the most of the resources that the cloud offers.

Avoiding these common mistakes when working in the cloud is key to ensuring successful migration and management. Planning correctly, being aware of hidden costs, taking responsibility for security, migrating progressively and having the right team are essential steps to take full advantage of the benefits of the cloud environment.

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