Make this change so that the mouse pointer does not disappear while you use it


The different icons that Windows displays with the mouse pointer do not have a very striking design, quite the opposite. They are designed to go practically unnoticed on the screen. In addition, Windows includes a function activated by default that is responsible for hiding it when we use applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, among others.

This can be a problem for some users, users who are forced to move the mouse vigorously to know its position on the screen in order to continue working.

This function may be somewhat useful on computers with small screens, such as laptops, but on computers with a 24-inch screen, it does not make any sense since, if the mouse cursor bothers us, we just have to drag it to any corner from the screen and that’s it.

How to prevent the Windows cursor from hiding

As we mentioned above, by default, Windows activates a function that is responsible for hiding the mouse cursor when we are writing, a function that is very easy to deactivate by following the steps we show you below.

To access the mouse properties and disable this feature, go to the Windows search box and enter the term “mouse” without the quotation marks and click on the first result. Then, in the Windows configuration window, click on Additional mouse options.

At this point, a floating window will appear with all the mouse options. If we are using a laptop, it is likely that, in addition to the default tabs that you can find below, some more tabs will be displayed, tabs related to the touchpad but not to the function we are looking for.

Mouse properties in Windows

The feature we want to disable is located in the Pointer Options tab. From here, we can modify the pointer speed, configure the mouse to automatically move to the dialog box displayed on the screen, add a trail to the mouse (ideal for when we have trouble finding it and we don’t want to modify the pointer design).

Here you will also find the option we are looking for, which can be found in the Visibility section and is called Hide pointer while typing. All we need to do here is uncheck the corresponding box. For the changes to be applied to the computer, we must click on Apply and then on OK.

Mouse Properties in Windows

It is not necessary to restart the computer for the changes to be applied, since it is a visual function that does not affect the operation of the computer, only the design.

If, now that we’re on the subject, we want to modify the design of the mouse pointer so that the icons are larger, are black or have a different design than the traditional one, from this same window we must click on the Pointers tab.

Mouse Properties in Windows

Within this section, in the Scheme section, click on the drop-down box and select the available options. The design of these will be shown right below, so it is not necessary to apply them to see how they look. In addition, we can also download personalized icon packs of all kinds of themes from the Internet to use in Windows if we don’t like any of the options it offers us.

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