Movistar, Vodafone and MasOrange sign a historic agreement that is unprecedented


With a totally unexpected agreement in the telecommunications industry, Movistar, Vodafone and MasOrange are willing to make an impact in the Spanish market. The three operators have agreed to seal an alliance that will change the rules so that there is a radical change in the way in which customers access their services.

There were many people who hoped that something like this would come true. Movistar, MasOrange and Vodafone have agreed to share the spectrum of their 5G frequencies so that a revolution can occur in the mobile telephone sector in our country. With this, they will share the 700 MHz frequency and will ensure that citizens living in rural areas can benefit from a notable improvement. Not only will they have more hiring capacity, but they will also enjoy better levels of connection. For the way in which 5G services are offered in Spain, it is a very high-level change.

A historic agreement

This alliance could mark the beginning of a series of important changes in the industry with which large operators collaborate in order to provide better possibilities to users. It must be taken into account that this pact will be activated within the framework of the award of the Unico Redes Activas contest, which aims to bring 5G to the smallest, most remote or rural areas of Spain, where such good support is not usually obtained to have Connection.

The 5G logo hanging from the ceiling at an event

It will be an agreement by which the three entities will jointly use the 700 Mhz band, which will allow them to make a more efficient deployment in rural areas. Thanks to this, they will be able to provide their service in places where they currently do not reach and thus facilitate day-to-day life, especially in those regions of the country that have fewer than ten thousand inhabitants.

A very high level budget

The contest we are talking about, Unico Redes Activas, intends to leave its mark on the history of the Spanish market because the endowment it will provide will be the largest to date. Its amount of 544 million euros will have the intention of changing the way in which telecommunications networks extend throughout the country.

The operators are aware of how interesting this contest is, which will cover 90% of the cost of deploying all 5G connection equipment. Due to this, they possibly wanted to ensure that they won the competition and sign this historic alliance that had not been seen until now. The places to which they will be able to take their connections and rates will be multitudinous and that will allow each of the operators to be in a very beneficial situation to gain more customers.

One of the towers that provide 5G connection

The contest rules establish that the decision will be made province by province. But it is important to keep in mind that not only does this open the possibility of there being a single winner per province, but there could be two and that they share the budget at a rate of 75% and 25%. Taking into account that, in addition, the Government established reaching a minimum of 100 Mbps in the connection offered to win the contest, what the operators have decided is to act together. In this way they will be able to meet the demands of the contest and thus be able to have the budget to bring the 5G connection to all the target populations of this project.

Thanks to this, when it comes to improving their service it will not matter if one of these operators wins in one province or another, since the alliance they have signed will imply that the three operators will have access to their different 700 Mhz band frequencies. This way of sharing the frequencies between the three will make them achieve the required results. They will go from having a support of 40 Mbps that they would reach individually to being able to guarantee the more than 100 Gbps mentioned above.

User holding a mobile phone with 5G devices connected

In addition, it is also an interesting project because the 700 Mhz bands have a highly efficient deployment and a great capacity to cover territory. Thanks to this, operators will be able to offer a better service, reduce their investment volume by installing a smaller number of antennas and, in the long term, have to do fewer maintenance services. For the moment, as we read in Expansión, the operators have not wanted to comment on the matter, but this could change in the last few hours.

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