Locating the router correctly is key to having a stable connection with good speed. If you make mistakes, it can cause your devices to stop working well. Sometimes, we can place the router in areas where we think they are suitable, or where we believe there will be nothing that will negatively affect it, and that is going to be a problem. We are going to talk to you about it in this article.
The goal is for you to achieve adequate speed, be able to connect multiple devices to the network and have good stability. This will be key to, for example, watching streaming content, downloading without interruptions or being able to connect many home automation devices without losing the connection.
Errors when locating the router
It doesn’t matter what router you have, since it is something that can affect any model. It is essential not to make mistakes. Maybe you notice that your Internet is not working well, it is not working as you would like, and changing locations may improve everything.
In a secluded corner, better
This is a fairly common mistake. We may think that putting the router in an isolated corner, in an area where it does not get in the way, is the best. However, that may be limiting the connection quite a bit. The coverage could not reach the areas where we really need to connect devices and have problems.
Also, maybe there is something in that corner that could interfere. This can be a thick wall, something metallic, an interfering appliance such as a microwave, etc.
It doesn’t matter putting the router near the TV
It is also common to think that there is nothing wrong with putting the router near the television and that it may even be better for connecting cable TV and having good Internet. The problem is that there can be interference or even overheating. This will result in signal loss and having problems connecting the equipment.
The ideal is always to move the router away from any device that may generate interference. Anything with Bluetooth, for example, can be problematic. Make sure to always place it in an area away from other devices and you will notice that the signal improves.
Placing it on the floor or furniture doesn’t matter
On the other hand, there is the question of whether or not it matters to put the router in a lower or higher place. An example is putting it on or near the floor, or placing it on top of a piece of furniture. And yes, this is important and is another factor to take into account to achieve an optimal connection.
In general terms, the ideal is to have the router in an elevated location, where it distributes the signal better. Avoid putting it in a low space, such as the ground or very close.
Put decorations nearby
Another mistake when locating the router is to place it next to decorations with the simple objective that it does not get in the way so much visually or that it can be on a platform. This may seem harmless, but the truth is that it could greatly affect the wireless network connection, since the material of that object could interfere.
For example, we can name materials such as metal, a mirror, something that has water… If you have any object or ornament that has any of this, it can cause the wireless signal to start to go wrong.
Ultimately, the location you give your router is going to be key. Don’t make mistakes, don’t make mistakes when locating the device, but also don’t make mistakes when configuring it. There are small details that can be decisive in being able to watch streaming content without interruptions or use the cloud correctly.