OpenAI has barely given any information, but I think this feature holds the key to SearchGPT being able to rival Google.


After many months of rumors, OpenAI announced just a few hours ago its new proposal: SearchGPT. A new search engine that directly threatens Google’s eternal hegemony. A risky proposal that, if successful, could represent an unprecedented turning point and, in addition, comes with very interesting features.

OpenAI is not satisfied with the different products that have shaken the technology industry in recent months. In its constant search to go one step further, the company that it heads Sam Altman presented yesterday SearchGPT. A new product in the form of a search engine with which it seeks to offer its audience a completely redefined experience based on a double pillar: offer answers “Fast and timely with clear and relevant sources”.

Initially, SearchGPT has landed in prototype format. Therefore, there is a high probability that the product that reaches the final public will experience quite a few changes with respect to the version presented yesterday. In a first phase, this tool is only available for “a small group of users and editors“and, progressively, it will be opened to more groups. Starting with all those who sign up to your waiting list.

image of searchgpt search engine

Easier search

OpenAI is aware of the complexity that we currently encounter when carrying out any type of search through the different search engines, with Google at the helm. Sometimes, we need to make several attempts until we can find the formula that allows us to obtain the results we need. In order to simplify this task, the company has chosen to improve the conversational capacity of its information models with real-time information of everything that is happening. This makes for a simpler and, above all, faster experience.

On the website that the company has enabled for this product, it has highlighted that throughout the development and design process of this new search engine, special emphasis has been placed on the capacity that SearchGPT will have to be able to answer questions with up-to-date information, while also gathering links to relevant sources. And it is at this point that there is a feature that can be decisive in ranking above Google: the possibility of asking follow-up questions.

Interact with your searches

I’m sure this has happened to you on more than one occasion: After several search attempts, You finally seem to have found the keywords that will bring you closer to the results you want. However, you still haven’t found exactly what you’re looking for. On Google, for example, you would have to try again, with the risk that by modifying certain keywords you would completely lose the thread you had found.

OpenAI announced yesterday a detail that went unnoticed, and to which in its publication on the web it barely dedicates a couple of lines, which can be decisive in terms of user experience: the possibility of making follow up questions in each search, as if it were a conversation with any other person. In this way, a shared context will be created with each query that will allow searches to be more coherent and, once we have found the first results that interest us, we will be able to delve deeper into them with greater efficiency.

As we have already mentioned, this is currently a prototype that is in a very early stage and is accessible to a small number of users. As more users can interact with it, we will discover more possibilities regarding its operation and the possibilities it offers us.

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