The price war takes its toll: this operator stops selling fiber and mobile


The war between the operators to be able to offer the best prices in the rates to the users has taken its toll. Although, at the moment, only one specific company of the MásMóvil Group has been affected. But, this does not mean that we see new strategies by operators to “clean” all those offers that no longer made sense.

In this case, the affected or, rather, the operator that has decided to stop offering its fiber + mobile rate has been Llamaya. Despite being very outdated, if we compare its 50 Mbps fiber (not counting the 300 Mbps) with the other offers from other companies, we are facing another of the operators that are finally committed to eliminating from their catalog a rate in which include these two services. Are you carrying out a restructuring of your plans?

Goodbye to fiber and Llamaya mobile

Whether we like it or not, those users who have finally decided to contract the Llamaya service to have fiber + mobile, unfortunately, will no longer have that opportunity. Although, it must be said that this rate had fallen far behind if we take a look at everything they offer us in other companies. Basically because their 50Mbps fiber wasn’t that great. Although, there was also the offer with 300 Mbps.

In any case, if we try to take a look at the website of the operator that belongs to the MásMóvil Group, we can quickly see how the rate in which these two services were included no longer appears. However, if we search Google directly for the company, the first thing that will appear will be “Fibre and Mobile Rates”. Although, if we go further down we will see «Fiber and Mobile only 29 euros«. Well, if we try to access that particular page, the following appears on its website:

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Once inside its website, if we try to search for any type of information about the different promotions of Fibra + Móvil we will not find anything. Therefore, everything indicates that the low cost operator of MásMóvil has decided to stop offering this service to new customers.

It is not an error, there are only mobile rates

Many might think that it is a mistake and that they will be making changes. And well, in a certain part they are making changes, although nothing indicates that, for the moment, they will bring back rates that include more mobile Internet. More than anything, because they have struck down all kinds of information about these rates from their website.

We must remember that they offered us two different fiber speeds: 50 Mbps or 300 Mbps. And to this, we had to add the 20 GB of mobile data. In addition, another service that included these rates was the landline telephone with unlimited calls to landlines. Therefore, it is clear that they have stopped providing this service. Therefore, we will have to wait and see what the approach of the low cost operator is in the face of future hiring of new clients. At the moment, we will only have the possibility of contracting one of its different mobile rates that we find on its website. And don’t worry if you have contracted this rate, since you will be able to continue enjoying it without problems.

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