Phishing attacks are a very important problem for Internet security. It is something that computer pirates use a lot, for years, to steal passwords or information. But how can they affect those who play online? We are going to explain some methods that cybercounts could use to cheat yourself and get to take control of your account.
The goal is that you can protect yourself to the fullest and avoid the loss of passwords and personal data. Common sense, as you will see, will be fundamental not to fall into the trap. We are going to give you some essential recommendations to be prepared in case you play online, either from the computer, mobile or video console. You could face multiple scam attempts.
Phishing when playing online
A Phishing attack what it seeks is to supplant the identity of a brand, a website or a person. They will try to click on a link and put your data where you should not. Basically, it is a hook that they throw to see if the victims fall into error. With the passage of time, they have been perfecting the attacks.
Fake links in chats
The first thing that can happen is that you see false links in video game chats. There the players can speak, send a message and that the rest see it, but also an attacker could take advantage of it. They could strain a link that seems normal, something legitimate, but in reality it is a trap.
Upon entering that link, you will go to a fraudulent website. There they could ask for certain data, put passwords or even download some file that, in reality, will be malware. To avoid problems, you must be very careful with any link they send in video game chats.
False registrations to tournaments
You can also run into false inscriptions that come to you to, supposedly, enter a tournament of that video game. Normally, it is usually a game in which they make an important tournament or where the squares are very limited. Something that is striking for users and there is more likely to fall into the trap.
It is important that you review very well who sends that registration, the link url, as well as the data they ask for. In case of doubts, always go to official sources and avoid giving information to third parties.
e-mail where they supplant a game
A classic is to send an email in which they will supplant that video game. Be careful because they can put the logo exactly the same, use equal marketing phrases and, ultimately, they can make a true e-mail, without alerting the possible victims and fall into error.
Once again, analyze the link very well, see the domain, as well as the message they send, it will be essential. Do not click on the first link that they send you, or put personal data or passwords.
Videos with fraudulent links
In this case, we refer to videos that you can find on platforms such as YouTube. It can be a video where they explain how to spend a certain phase of the game or how to perform something in particular. However, they take the opportunity to strain some link that will be a fraud.
Those links may appear in the video description, but also in comments. It is not always the fault of the person who has uploaded that video, since they have been able to hack their account or someone has been able to put a malicious comment. Be careful with this.
In short, these are the phishing attacks that you could suffer if you usually play online. It is key to maintain common sense, but also have everything well updated and have a good antivirus that helps you detect security threats.