This Chrome new feature makes it harder for you to get a virus


Hackers can use many methods to try to steal passwords and personal data of all kinds. One option they have is through files that carry passwords. These can be ZIP or RAR files, for example, that contain malware and, to open them, you need to enter a password. Now, Google Chrome is going to have a new function that also alerts about suspicious files of this type. Without a doubt, this is another option to increase security.

The goal is for users, potential victims in short, to be aware of what they are downloading. If they have entered a website by mistake, and have downloaded a password-protected file that has or may have malware, the browser will warn them. This will allow them to better analyze whether it really could be a threat or, on the contrary, you have downloaded it from a reliable site.

Chrome alerts you about protected files

This new Google system has different levels to detect threats. One of them uses Artificial Intelligence, thanks to its Safe Browsing service. What it does is analyze and evaluate the probability that the file is dangerous. If it detects that it could be, it launches that warning.

But they are not just going to say whether it is a dangerous file or not. This warning system will issue a warning saying whether it is a suspicious file or a dangerous file. In the first case, this happens when the files are less reliable and may be unknown. In the second case, it is when they have actually detected that the risk is high and, therefore, it is very likely that it is a danger.

They also indicate that suspicious files will be sent to servers for analysis if users have the Enhanced Protection feature enabled. Once these files are analyzed, they are quickly deleted. This is just another measure to improve protection.

The question is whether users will actually give Google the password for these files so that it can analyse them. On paper, the idea seems good. In practice, it will be different.

Chrome's new feature to improve security

Always protect your browser

Beyond being able to take advantage of features like this one in Google Chrome, it is up to users to improve protection and avoid making mistakes. When browsing, always be very careful about where you click, what files you download or where you put your data. Common sense is the first security barrier.

We also recommend that you always keep your browser up to date, whether it’s Chrome or any other. There are many vulnerabilities that exist, so hackers could exploit these flaws and compromise security. Always check that you are using the latest versions.

On the other hand, having good protection on your device is going to be essential. Make sure you have a good antivirus, as well as installing only official and legitimate software. You will avoid risks and be able to detect threats as soon as possible. However, avoid having your antivirus or firewall block Chrome, something that can happen if they are not of quality.

Ultimately, Chrome is taking another step towards improving security. It will now also display warnings about potentially unsafe password-protected files. They will use AI for better detection. Still, you should always take steps on your own to improve protection.

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