This is the easiest way to notify your new address to the DGT, Treasury or Social Security


Thanks to new technologies and the Internet, we can carry out a good number of procedures online instead of having to travel. But for this there is a series of common data that can be considered essential, among which we find our ID or place of residence.

In these same lines we want to focus on this second information that we are commenting on, which is the current postal address. Basically we refer to the place where we live and where we are registered to carry out all kinds of procedures related to traffic, Social Security, or the Tax Agency, among other entities. The problem can occur in the event that we move house and have to change the default address on all these websites.

The truth is that this is something that can become quite annoying. We refer to the fact of accessing each of the official platforms mentioned to modify our postal address. It may also be the case that we have registered somewhere else and need to carry out this modification as soon as possible. Well, in these same lines we are going to try to make things easier for you. In addition, it is important that we carry out this change as soon as possible in order to receive the different notifications that may come to us from these sources.

Otherwise, important letters or notifications could be lost, which could eventually lead to a serious problem against us. Therefore, instead of visiting each of the official platforms to change the address, we are going to do it all at once. Specifically, we are going to talk about a web application within the SARA network or System of Applications and Networks for Administrations.

Use the SARA network to change your address in one go

This is a website that will allow us to modify this information that we are commenting on and that will communicate the new registration to the different administrations such as Social Security or the Tax Agency. Obviously, before using this web application, we will have to have officially changed the register in the corresponding town hall. From there we only have to access the web that we commented on through this link.

sara web

Here we are going to find two clearly differentiated sections, one to make the change of postal address itself, and another to check the status of the process. In the case at hand and if it is the first time that we access this website, we will click on the first of the mentioned buttons. Obviously to identify ourselves digitally here we are going to need to have Cl@ve or a digital certificate.

Once we have digitally identified ourselves, we will have to select the official entities to which we wish to automatically notify the change.

entities change address

Next, we only have to fill in the different fields with the personal data so that the application takes care of the rest. This means that the SARA network will automatically send the new postal address to the entities that we have marked on its own. Once we have confirmed the changes, an SMS will be sent to our mobile to notify us of the modification request.

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