This is the operator with the most satisfied customers according to the latest survey


Customer satisfaction surveys are one of the most useful tools to find out how a specific operator is providing service to its users. It allows us to have a better general point of view about average satisfaction and what level of quality that company is capable of giving.

Now we have the most recent results from Stiga CX, who evaluate different companies in their ISCX (Stiga Customer Experience Indexes) and among them also telecommunications operators.

Pepephone is the best valued operator

The results of the latest ISCX have been published and Pepephone is the fixed and mobile operator with the best customer experience according to Stiga. The operator belonging to the MásMóvil Group leads the NPS index in the telecommunications sector, both in the “fixed and Internet” category, and in “mobile”.

Results Stiga CX teleco

The average satisfaction scores are calculated on different variables such as the quality of the service, the image or the price. Pepephone has obtained the following evaluations:

  • Landline and Internet: 85 points in image, 86 in price and 85 in quality
  • Mobile: 86 points in image, 89 in price and 89 in quality

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) indicators are the reference framework for knowing the level of experience perceived by customers in the main service sectors of the Spanish market and for positioning the brands that make up each of them.

For the preparation of this report, DEC (Association for the Development of Customer Experience), in collaboration with Stiga, includes, among other sources to know customer satisfaction, the following:

  • 130,000 contact center monitoring.
  • 1,000,000 annual telephone surveys.
  • 2,000,000 annual online surveys.
  • 40,000 annual Mystery Shopping evaluations.

The reasons to be the best valued

There are several reasons why Pepephone has been named a leading company in customer satisfaction, but it stands out mainly for its treatment of existing customers. The operator takes care of its current customers and they are the first to receive certain promotions, it improves its rates to the one that is already first, without raising the price (and even lowering it every year in its Fibra + Inimitable products with or without Netflix).

Pepephone 5G networks

In addition, they offer new services based on the needs of their customer base. Thanks to the ideas of the “pepephoners”, in the year 2022 a customer service was launched via WhatsApp, in the month of March it launched the landline telephone service as a complement that you can add to your rate or contract alone; and months later it welcomed the acclaimed MultiSIM and 5G technology.

Its purpose of not bothering anyone, whether a customer or not, with commercial calls is also well known, taking a further step to avoid spam by launching Pepeescudo last year, a free app for all, customers and non-customers, that identifies commercial calls or of fraud and helps customers protect themselves from these annoying calls.

Do you agree with these results? If you are a client of this operator, do not forget to leave us your opinion about Pepephone.

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