Having your own private cloud can be very useful for hosting files of all kinds and having them always available. This will help you create backups, free up space on other devices or even exchange documents between several computers. But can you turn your router into a cloud? We are going to tell you what you need to make this possible. You will see that it is an option that you can take into account.
Basically, what you’re going to do is create your own NAS server. A device that will be permanently connected to the network and to which you will be able to upload files and have them available from anywhere. Unlike using platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox, the files will always be in your possession.
Turn your router into a cloud
You can do this with your router, as long as it meets a series of characteristics that we are going to mention. If they are present, you will be able to easily share data between devices or have those backup copies available to dump the information when you need it.
Supported software
The first thing you need is compatible software. Not all routers will be able to function as a NAS server, so you won’t be able to have your own private cloud this way. You should make sure that the software does support this configuration so that you can use this type of storage.
To do this, you can go to the manufacturer’s official website, search for the model and check the specifications there. You could also search on the Internet, in specialized forums, where you can even find information on how to configure it. For example, it might have support for DLNA.
USB port
It also needs to have a USB port. You will connect a storage unit, which will be where you will save all the files. Once you connect this device, you will be able to access it remotely, through the software you have confirmed, to control the files.
Ideally, it should have USB 3.0, as this will give you a faster speed. You will be able to exchange files more quickly, without it taking too long.
Good hardware capability
Another factor to take into account is the hardware capacity of the router. It is essential that it is a good one, that it has enough RAM, a powerful processor and, ultimately, that it can manage the file exchange well when you need to access the private cloud from other computers.
You may have a router that is compatible at the software level, but has very limited hardware. Although this does not mean that it does not work at all, you may have difficulties in your daily life and notice quite a few limitations that will end up affecting you. Therefore, carefully check the hardware of the model you are going to use.
Ultimately, if you want to turn your router into a NAS server, it’s important that it has certain features to make this possible. Basically, you need it to be compatible at the software and hardware level, so that you can connect a storage unit and configure it correctly.