WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature that will completely change the way you send videos to your contacts

WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature that will completely change the way you send videos to your contacts

WhatsApp is one of the most important tools out there, as thousands of users cannot live without it to communicate with their friends and loved ones. Over time, the company has been incorporating juicy features to improve the user experience, so that communication is much more fluid and comfortable between contacts. The interface also undergoes important changes, but one of the most striking is in the sending of video notes.

Times are changing. There is no doubt that the way we communicate by phone has taken a backseat and now the trend is to practice chatting or video calls. WhatsApp has arrived to revolutionize the future of communication and, to do so, different forms of contact are being implemented between its users.

Likewise, just as voice notes are becoming more popular, the ability to send videos directly from the messaging app’s chat is also causing a stir. In this context, WhatsApp is making great efforts to accommodate the camera button and bring together all the photo and video functions within this same application.

What are notes or video messages on WhatsApp?

Are you a regular user of sending video notes in all your chats? If not, you may not yet know that WhatsApp has a feature for sharing videos that you record in real time using the camera button located next to the writing space.

To access this feature, simply long-press the camera symbol and your phone will automatically start recording a video in the form of a circle. These are the so-called video messages or video notes that were added last year as an update. In addition, you can record up to 60 seconds long and it can be played without sound in preview from the chat. If you would like to listen to its content, you simply have to tap on the circular file.

After sending or playing, WhatsApp will store these videos in your mobile storage, if that is how you have it configured.

WhatsApp sending video notes

A new mode in the camera for voice notes

Because enabling video messages is often too hidden, WhatsApp wants to encourage its users to use this feature more by implementing a new mode in the camera of your smartphone, with the aim of making it much more accessible.

With just one click on the camera button, you can access Photo, Video and Video Note modes from the interface, without the need for the chat to be open, thus preserving the privacy of conversations. This approach can certainly be much more intuitive and will become an incentive to use it more frequently.

However, we will still have to wait for this update to officially reach all users, as only a few privileged people can test it in its beta program thanks to the release of the Android patch.

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