3 ideal places to place your WiFi repeater


To have a good Wi-Fi connection at home, one option we have is to buy a wireless repeater. What it basically does is enhance the signal that reaches a certain area of ​​the house. Although they are not always enough, the normal thing is that we improve the coverage. However, you must take into account where to place it so that it works as well as possible. For this reason, in this article we are going to talk about 3 perfect places to place the Wi-Fi repeater.

Where to put a Wi-Fi repeater

Choosing the right location to place a Wi-Fi repeater can make the connection work better. You can achieve greater coverage, stability and not have those dreaded dead zones in your home. In this way you can connect from your mobile, computer, television or any device compatible with wireless networks.

Central place or where we use it

The first tip is to put the Wi-Fi repeater in a central area of ​​the house. From there it will better distribute the signal to other places where we are going to connect. It is not going to focus only on one corner of the house, but we will be able to connect from several rooms without major problems. Therefore, choosing this point well is interesting.

However, you may only need it in a specific area. In that case, what you should do is place the wireless repeater in the space where you are really going to use it. Maybe you want it to connect from the computer in a specific room and you don’t care if more signal can reach the rest of the house. In that case you should put it in a location that allows you to have the best coverage in that place.

Have multiple Wi-Fi repeaters

Not too far from the router

This is important since sometimes we make the mistake of putting the Wi-Fi repeater too far from the router. Ideally, it can receive a signal correctly and then project it to other areas of the house. Basically what it does is act as a bridge. If it’s too far away and you don’t get a signal or it’s too weak, we’re going to have trouble connecting.

The ideal is to find the sweet spot. It is essential that you see that the repeater receives a good signal from the router and then distributes it throughout the house. Look for that balance to improve coverage in other areas of the house.

Away from appliances and walls

Another key point is that any electronic device can affect the performance of the wireless network. It is convenient to place the Wi-Fi repeater away from devices such as televisions, microwaves, etc. In this way there will be less interference and the signal will be able to go better to the devices from which you are going to connect.

You should also be aware of any walls or walls that may block the signal. It is essential that you are as far away as possible from these things that can affect you. If it is in an elevated location, the better to avoid problems. Do not put it next to a piece of furniture covered with things, for example.

In short, to improve the Wi-Fi connection, it is a good idea to use a wireless repeater. However, it is equally important to place it in a good place and that there are no problems.

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