5 reasons to completely turn off your computer at night


I admit it, many nights I go to sleep and don’t turn off my computer. I leave it suspended, or sometimes not even that, I leave it completely on. As it goes to sleep after not using it for a while, I see it off and think: tomorrow I’ll pick up where I left off! And that happens to me too often. This is something that many of you probably do too, but I’m going to stop doing it for a series of reasons that we’re going to explain to you. If it happens to you like it does to me, I recommend that you pay attention to these compelling reasons for turning off your computer at night.

People develop habits that we assimilate and sometimes do not review, which are really bad. One of these habits is not turning off the PC or laptop when we finish. With how quickly PCs start up today, it does not make much sense to leave it on all night without any kind of use. Turning off the computer is almost always recommended, and especially for these reasons.

Improve device performance

When you leave your computer on for days, its performance can suffer due to system performance. Programs running in the background and fragmented files can consume unnecessary resources, slowing down your system. Turning your computer off and on allows all of these processes to restart, improving your computer’s overall performance.

It should be noted that most of us use Windows or macOS as our desktop operating system, and neither of these operating systems are designed to be on permanently. Servers or NAS do have operating systems that are designed to be on for months or even years, but PCs, especially those with Windows, are not prepared.

Savings on your electricity bill

The power consumption of a computer running overnight can be significant. A desktop computer consumes around 200 Wh, although this will depend on how you use it, the hardware used and also how many monitors you have. Taking this into account, if we do a quick calculation of 8 hours at night, the estimated consumption is approximately 1.6kWh, so the annual consumption is approximately 600 kWh.

If we turn off our computer at night, we not only contribute to saving energy, but we also reduce our electricity bill. Every small action counts in taking care of both the environment and our pocket. If the cost of a kWh is approximately €0.2, we will be saving around €120 a year on our electricity bill, a lot of money.

Extend the life of your computer

Turning off your computer when not in use helps to prolong its lifespan. Keeping it on continuously can cause unnecessary wear and tear on components, especially fans and laptop batteries. A laptop battery, for example, deteriorates with each charge cycle, and keeping the device on can speed up this process. Turning it off regularly reduces the heat generated and wear and tear, ensuring your computer runs optimally for longer.

reasons to disconnect pc

Protection against voltage surges

Power surges are unpredictable and can seriously damage your computer. If a storm causes a power surge overnight, your device can suffer irreparable damage, including the loss of important data. Turning off your computer before going to sleep eliminates this risk, as it will not be exposed to fluctuations in the electrical current. Additionally, having a power strip with surge protection is an additional measure that can save your equipment.

Our recommendation is that you always buy a UPS to properly protect your devices such as your PC, monitor or router. This type of device consists of a small battery and a surge protection system, which will allow us to properly shut down the PC even if the power goes out in our home.

Improve your privacy and security

Leaving your computer on and unattended can be a risk to your privacy. Even if you have a good security system, there is always the possibility that someone could try to access your data while you are not present. Turning off your computer reduces this vulnerability, as a turned off device cannot be hacked. Additionally, closing all applications and browsers before shutting down your computer ensures that sensitive data is not accidentally exposed.

For all these reasons, start turning off your computer at night. This will not only improve its performance and extend its lifespan, but you will also save money and protect your privacy.

So next time you finish using your computer for the night, remember to turn it off and enjoy a peaceful, carefree rest.

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