This program is responsible for making your Windows 11 slow, and you can’t delete it


Many of you are fully aware, and you don’t like it one bit, that Windows comes with a number of pre-installed applications by default. For many of you, this software just takes up space on your hard drive, programs that you will never use.

On the other hand, and from Microsoft’s point of view, these pre-installed applications are very useful for many users. They allow them to start working with Windows from the first minute without having to download anything additionally. One of the main handicaps that these applications present is that in most cases we will not be able to uninstall them, at least not by traditional methods.

What’s more, in addition to taking up unnecessary space, these pre-installed software solutions sometimes have some serious drawbacks. This is precisely the case that we are going to talk about below. We will focus on a program that is largely to blame for Windows 11 running slower than it should.

Specifically, we are referring to the UWP Photos application that we already find in clean Windows installations. At this point, it goes without saying that it is a photo viewer with some additional functions. However, as we have already told you, on many occasions this is a program that consumes excessive resources and makes Windows 11 run slower than expected.

This is something that many users around the world are complaining about right now. Even more so since the recent updates that Microsoft sent for this specific software solution.

Reasons why Photos slows down Windows

There are several reasons, as users themselves point out, why this application slows down the latest version of Microsoft’s system so much. Firstly, too many features have been added lately, making Photos a very demanding program. As expected, this is something that is especially noticeable on older computers or those with limited specifications.

Windows 11 photos

In addition to all this, the application has recently migrated to the Windows App SDK format, which has also negatively affected its performance and that of Windows. And not only that, as is happening with many other Microsoft programs and platforms, the company is betting on AI here, which also adds to this resource consumption.

At the moment, this is a problem that many Windows 11 users are suffering from, but it seems that the problem will not end here. The company plans to launch this Photos application for Windows 10 as well, so the performance problems would extend to these devices as well. The worst thing about all this is that we do not have the possibility of removing the photo program as such.

However, we can always hope that Microsoft, being aware of what we are telling you, will soon release an update for the system that will fix the problem.

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