If you’re a Gen Zer, you should improve your typing skills: these 4 programs will help you


Whether for work or for studies, it is increasingly common for us to spend a good number of hours a day sitting in front of the computer. We try to be as productive as possible and to do so, learning to type is becoming key.

A few years ago, this type of knowledge was limited to a few users, but it has gradually gained importance. This is especially evident among all those who want to save a good amount of time while working with the PC. In the past, many people had to attend some academies and training centers in person to learn typing.

How to learn typing without going to an academy

However, thanks to today’s technology, things have changed quite a bit when it comes to training in this area, as is the case with many other environments. Basically, what we want to tell you is that we have the possibility of solving this productivity problem with the computer, comfortably from home. All of this thanks to a series of applications that we can use right now and that will be of enormous help to us for these tasks that we are discussing.

These are software applications specially designed to help us learn or improve our typing skills directly from the computer. As a general rule, these software solutions present us with a series of practical exercises to help us learn the basic concepts of this technique. In addition, we will gradually have the opportunity to move up a level as we become more comfortable.

Over the years, these programs have improved significantly, adapting to the times we live in. In this way, in just a few weeks we can learn to type, and even without having to spend a single euro. Below we will show you some useful solutions for these tasks, discuss them and learn to type comfortably from home.

Apps to practice from home

In addition, we must take into account that these software solutions that we show you below hardly consume any computer resources. They are usually quite lightweight despite their usefulness, and we only have to use the one that best suits our needs to learn typing.

ARTypist. First of all, we will tell you about an application that we can use by simply registering on its website. Official websiteHere we will directly encounter a series of tools that will be of enormous help to us in learning to type more quickly.


At the same time, this platform offers us various tests so that we can check our progress in this regard first-hand. We will even find a series of games to liven up the learning process. We can do all this without installing anything on the computer, directly from our web browser.

Klavaro. On the other hand, we find one of the most popular applications for learning typing that has been used for years. We can learn this technique from the beginning if we have no experience at all, and progress little by little thanks to the tests it suggests. At first we just have to download and install this free open source program through this link.


From the interface we can start from scratch and advance as we become more advanced. In addition, we find a multitude of additional functions that will allow us to monitor our improvements in typing. We will also have multiple tests to test ourselves.

Tip 10. This is a multiplatform software that we can install on virtually all desktop operating systems. If developers offer us both an installable version and another that we can use directly from the web browser to learn typing, all of this from here.

Tip 10

The program offers us a series of tips and rules to learn this technique and type faster and faster on the PC. We can even create our own practice room to teach others.

KeyBlaze. This is a very interesting proposal, as it is especially focused on all those who have no typing skills. Basically, it is designed for those who start from scratch and want to progress at their own pace. Initially, we only have to download the application itself from this link and start with the exercises that the program proposes.


It is worth noting that it offers us an intuitive user interface that shows us how to place our hands and advance in speed.

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