I have taken these precautions in Gmail to avoid receiving spam and you should do the same


Spam is one of the main problems affecting email. It can be annoying, but it can also be a security risk. Avoiding it is important to avoid unnecessary risks. In this article, we are going to talk about certain precautions you should take to avoid flooding your inbox. With small changes you can notice a significant change.

A spam message could contain a phishing link, a malware file, misleading advertising… In fact, they could use different strategies to compromise your security. Therefore, beyond being annoying, they can also pose an added risk.

Avoid spam in Gmail

Although we’re focusing on Gmail, this is something you can do with any email platform you use on a daily basis. It’s always a good idea to avoid emails that could be dangerous and, if you receive them, delete them as soon as possible and avoid making the mistake of opening any links.

Secondary address

An important tip is to have a secondary email address. Don’t use your main Gmail account for everything. This is a mistake, as there are situations where it could be a spam risk. For example, registering on a site that is not very reliable and where you could be included on a spam list.

It’s as simple as having a secondary email that you use in these cases. You could even use temporary emails, which are deleted after a certain period of time. You only use them for that specific record and you don’t need to open them again.

Unsubscribe from emails

Surely there is some kind of email that you receive all the time. It could be from an online store where you bought something, from a company with which you contracted a service, from a forum where you registered at some point… Maybe something interested you at one point, but now it is a nuisance.

What you can do is unsubscribe from these emails. Usually, there is an unsubscribe button. From that point on, you should no longer receive these emails.

Find out what to do if your inbox is full

Block senders you don’t care about

It may also happen that you receive emails from a specific address. You may have been put on a mailing list by mistake, you may have contacted someone for something on some occasion, you may have registered for a service… Whatever the reason, you may be receiving emails from an address and that could be a nuisance.

In this case, the process is simple: block those senders that you are not interested in. From that moment on, you will no longer receive any emails from that account. But be careful because in the future you may need something that they can send you.

Be careful when registering

Of course, you should be aware of the danger of registering on sites that may be unreliable. In such cases, they may add your email address to a spam list and start sending you spam emails continuously. Sometimes, this is bait used by cybercriminals to get you to register.

If you want to register on a website, you should check that it is completely reliable. If you have the slightest doubt, you can use the secondary email that we have recommended you have. It will help you prevent problems.

In short, be careful with spam that reaches your email. Although it may seem harmless and simply a nuisance, it could also be a significant risk to your security.

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