Despite the arrival of the new, yet long-awaited, Windows 11 update, 24H2, Microsoft continues to include new features in 23H2. Hence, many users have not yet decided to update.
This is something that becomes especially evident if we take into consideration the multiple bugs and errors that are being detected in the latest version of the operating system. There are even complete computer crashes and the appearance of blue screens of death. Hence, until Microsoft solves all of this definitively, many do not consider it necessary to install this last mentioned update.
In fact, at this point we can say that Windows 11 23H2 is receiving some new features, including several from Windows 11 24H2. This means that if we still work with this version, the need to update the operating system is significantly reduced. We can say that these new features will arrive over the next few weeks through a cumulative Windows Update update.
What’s more, many of those who updated to 24H2 and have been unlucky enough to suffer some of these errors have been forced to take a step back. This is why below we will talk about some of these features that will soon reach the previous version of the operating system. This way we ensure the use of a stable version of Windows 11 in which sudden problems will not appear, as is currently happening in the most current one, at least until Microsoft launches a definitive solution for all of this.
New features coming to Windows 11 23H2
Well, first of all and at this point, we will tell you that this version of Windows 11, which has been with us for a while, will soon receive a labels function for context menu actions. Specifically, we are referring to a feature that will arrive in a few weeks and that is basically responsible for adding labels to quick actions in the context menu of the operating system.
This tool will allow us to copy, rename, share, cut and delete elements through the aforementioned context menu. It is worth mentioning that, to date, these labels were exclusive to Windows 11 24H2, but now they will also come to Windows 11 23H2, to the joy of many.
Of course, for now they are limited to beta testers, but everything suggests that these changes will soon reach the stable versions of Windows 11. At the same time, we can add to this the arrival of native compatibility with 7z compressed file formats. and ART. It is also important to note that this version of Microsoft software has also just received some improvements for File Explorer that come precisely from 24H2. Here’s a change that removes a line between the tab and the navigation bar at 100% scaling.
On the other hand, we will say that Microsoft recently updated Magnifier in Windows 11 23H2 to include new support for new keyboard shortcuts. And it will also include an update to the Settings interface where the main specifications of the PC will be highlighted.