Microsoft explains why you are eliminating apps and classical functions of Windows 11, and does not convince us


During these last months or years, you could have noticed that certain functions or applications of Windows 11 have disappeared. In any case, Microsoft, explained the reason for this type of practices: it is due to something that they have labeled as “depreciation” of their applications, and this entails the disappearance of them.

The truth is that this explanation has not been enough for the community. According to the same, many of the functionalities are still useful and not found adequate replacements for them. Several examples of this could be the elimination of the traditional photos, calculator or the Wordpad tool. We will analyze the reasons behind this decision.

“Depreciation” according to Microsoft

Bill Gates’s company defines this obsolescence as the state in which an application or functionality stops receiving updates and support from the company itself. While, in reality, this does not imply a total disappearance of said application, it does condemn any of those affected to its final goodbye. The reasons?, According to them, want to focus on innovative tools and that are integrated into Windows 11 with better performance. What they have not taken into account is that many users have lost useful functions and have not been given a clear alternative to replace them.

Microsoft’s argument for the sake of security and modernization has not convinced everyone equally. Many applications were still used (we are going to expose them in the following section) without discharging external programs. Even in some cases, the solutions provided by Microsoft become payment or require Internet connection for operation. This is a huge cut for users’ freedom.

Nor is the community explained why the company has not given us to choose at any time the continuity of the applications. That choice process has been skipped on our part and have eliminated functions established in the present so in it for many years. This leads us to think that, with this type of practices, those of Redmond run the risk that a part of their users reject their policy and move away from Windows 11. Especially those with more reluctance to use this increasingly generalized environment of cloud functionalities.

Applications affected by this process

From Microsoft they have already confirmed the elimination, both in the present and future time, of a series of functionalities that we will highlight:

  • Wordpad: This historic text editor will say goodbye in the future versions of Windows 11. From the company the use of Word is recommended (which means that we disburse money) or the notebook.

Goodbye Wordpad

  • Cuts: The favorite surface editing tool. It has not yet been eliminated, but it will be replaced by screen capture integrated in the SO (Win+Shift+S).
  • Internet Explorer: This browser, object of any type of “meme” on the Internet, was completely eliminated in favor of Microsoft Edge.
  • Local accounts: Before, we could have an account on the PC without linking it with our Outlook/Microsoft account. So it does not give the user option to obtain it locally.

The criticisms received have not been few, since various users consider the elimination of these applications as a reduction of useful functions by the operating system. However, from the point of view of the software giant itself, its operating system must be constantly evolving as well as the software included. Hence, from time to time eliminates certain titles that it considers obsolete to, most cases, give priority to other more current and advanced solutions.

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