How to flip or rotate an image in OpenOffice easily


Many people or artists have shown humanity their photos, portraits or images to express their feelings or some teaching to transmit.

We can define these images as a visual display, by which you can capture the appearance of an object whether it is a product of the imagination or real. These images can awaken in others the perception and development of the senses such as smell, vision, hearing, touch.

You can find different types of images, it can be a material image, graphic image, visual image, mental image, or in the case of a company, a brand image, global or corporate image. There are various operating systems where you can use the program of your choice to make use of the images, there is the closed operating system and the open operating system.

This is the case of closed source and open source systems, the closed source system the user cannot view that source code on the other hand the open source system allows it. In the closed source system, even if you bought the license for that program, you cannot view or access that source code, but in the open source system, you can modify, redistribute and even improve the system.

Among the best known closed source systems are Microsoft Windows, Apple, Microsoft Skype, Adobe Reader, these provide their users with various programs, but you can also install and activate Ubuntu in Windows easily and simply

What is OpenOffice?

It is a compound of computer programs made under open source where users can express their ideas and make suggestions, it also has a source code where you are allowed to make modifications. Within this document creation software we have Writer, which has a corrector that we may need at any time, but it even allows us to deactivate it, in case you have not used it before you can activate the spelling and grammar checker in OpenOffice Writer

OppenOffice and package programs

OppenOffice contains 6 programs: Calc, Impress and Math, Write, Draw Base. The Writer program is very similar to Word. In fact, you can convert an OpenOffice document to Microsoft Word. This is possible because it is a word processor with which you can also format your files with PDF and HTML.

Calc has a spreadsheet similar to Excel, with Imprees you can make your presentations just like Power Point, and with Math where you can carry out your mathematical operations.

How to flip or rotate an image in OpenOffice easily?

If when doing your work, presentation or even creating an organization chart in OppenOffice you want an image to rotate or rotate, it will be very easy, we show you:

how to rotate an image in OppenOffice and logo blue color and white background

Step 1

Enter “OppenOffice”, there you will find an auxiliary program with the name of “OppenOffice Draw” that is to make your drawings or modify them, if you have already entered click on the “Open” option and then on “File”, there locate the file you want to modify and double-click.

If you want to make a new one, go to the “File” option in the “New” option, and then go to the “Drawing” option and press click.

Step 2

Now you can edit the image by modifying, incorporating, moving texts or graphics that are reflected in the drawing you have saved.

Step 3

If the image you want to modify has an object on it, press click inside the image object to rotate it, if what you want is to move or rotate the entire image, press “Control + A” to choose it.

Step 4

In the “Modify” option press the “Rotate” option. If what you did was enter “Control + A” you will see small red dots on the edges of the already chosen object or on the entire image

step 5

Now with your mouse move the cursor over one of the red dots to the corner, there you will see a semicircle containing arrows at different ends.

step 6

Finally move the object with the cursor where you want to move or rotate the image, now you will see that when you move your mouse the object moves, until you get the result you want, keep rotating the image.

Calc has a spreadsheet similar to Excel, with Imprees you can make your presentations just like Power Point, and with Math where you can carry out your mathematical operations.

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