What percentage does DiDi charge? – How much does DiDi take on each trip?


If you want to become a DIDI driving partner, you will surely be interested in knowing how much there is for you and how much they take from what you do. To find out, we have to stop to analyze what percentage DIDI charges for each trip, so then, in this article, we will find out.

Many people choose DIDI services due to the friendliness of their drivers, the short waiting time and the quality of the service; In addition, it is very easy to download the application. As you noted, DIDI’s success largely depends on its drivers, so do they make a bigger profit than the platform?

Exact percentage that DiDi charges its drivers for each trip

DIDI bases its services on a value for money that has far surpassed other service platforms similar to those it offers. By charging a percentage of what its drivers do, DIDI ensures on its website that it only takes 20% of each trip made.

In addition, in the Mexican capital of Mexico City, it charges only 10% and guarantees 12,000 pesos per week for each driver. This has had an incredible influence on the fact that a large number of people have become driving partners of the platform, in order to earn more.

DiDi earnings percentage

Percentage charged by DiDi vs. What other similar platforms take

There is a notable difference between what DIDI charges for each trip and what other similar service platforms charge, such as Uber or Cabify. We notice it when we compare the 20% (in some cases 10%) that DIDI demands from its drivers, compared to the 25% of Uber and the 25% of Cabify.

It is evident that by being a DIDI driver you get even more than the platform and you get more than what other platforms offer you. All this, combined with the excellent service and incredible logistics of the app, make DIDI successful in all the countries where it is based.

Benefits for DiDi driver partners

If many mathematical calculations we can see that when DIDI keeps 20% of net profits, drivers keep 80% of profits, which are paid one day a week. This guarantees drivers constant income and an adequate salary to cover their basic needs satisfactorily.

In addition, conduit partners do not suffer or are affected, since, in general, in the other platforms when travel rates decrease, drivers’ income does too.

Driving in DiDi with GPS

Requirements to be drivers in DiDi

Now that you have an idea of ​​what you can earn, you will surely want to know what you need to do to collaborate as drivers in DIDI. You will be happy to know that you will have three different options to be a driver:

Options to be drivers in DiDi:

  • Driver without Car:

If you currently do not have a car, do not worry, you can be a driver without a car, you only need an official identification, a non-criminal record letter, CURP and a valid driver’s license.

  • Driver with own car:

If you prefer to work on your car, you will only need a driver’s license, official identification, car circulation card, car insurance policy, CURP, billing information (you have to add your bank account in DIDI) and a non-criminal record letter .

  • Non-Driver Partner:

For this facet, you require CURP, official identification, driver’s license, billing information, car insurance policy and its circulation card.

To carry out all these procedures to enter as a DIDI driving partner, you do so by first downloading the app or from the official website to register as a driver. Once there you enter all your personal data that is required there. Then you must put your phone number and immediately you should get a code that serves as verification.

Then you create a password, enter your full name, the driver option you want to be and finally, the information related to the car, identification and others. It is very easy and simple to do, and it will bring you many economic benefits.

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