What are the five basic principles of marketing or digital marketing?


Today we will talk about the five basic principles of marketing or digital marketing. For this we must know the meaning of Digital Marketing or Marketing, which is defined as the use of marketing strategies taken to the online world, this through digital media. Thanks to technologies and new networks that arise every day, we have more possibilities to measure the results of an online marketing strategy.

Digital marketing is something that cannot be missing in the business plan of a company, this is because it has great advantages in our company, some of those advantages are the measurement of when we carry out a strategy, it can be easily measured, we increase loyalty of our clients, we have great reach with the networks, it has low cost and as a result of this we increase our sales. Today, more than its advantages, we will talk about its five basic principles.

quality over quantity

This phrase that applies to so many areas, also applies in the area of ​​online marketing, as in any marketing strategy, quality content is decisive in social networks. We will be able to upload a lot of content, but if nobody transmits something to anyone, or wants to interact, we are not achieving anything. Therefore, we must focus on making valuable content.

This valuable content can be tutorials, the top 3 products we offer, curious facts about what we do, behind the scenes of our product, etc. This type of content gives more than a simple sale, but it entertains our audience and gives them a reason to see our content on social networks.


We must be constant and patient

Many times we start very excited believing that everything will happen overnight, but the truth is that it does not. And this is because, on digital platforms, long-term objectives have to be set, this through constant publication. Although in the previous foundation we had said that we need quality over quantity, we must constantly post quality content.

Be accessible and listen to our audience

If we want to generate a positive impact on social networks, we have to be accessible to our audience, since this makes our audience interact with the same disposition that we give them. For this we also have to listen to what our audience wants to hear on social networks, once we publish our content on social networks, we have to listen to what is being said, be part of the comments, and resolve any doubts that may be had about our published content. networking.

What a user likes the most is being able to have an immediate response to their concern. Once again, we must be patient in this part of the strategy, we have to be attentive to customers even when their questions seem obvious to us.

woman listening on a computer

Collaborate with each other

In social networks, a basic principle is reciprocity, this is because, if we are not willing to share something, we cannot expect another person to do something. Digital platforms have a principle of sharing, so we must give to receive.

Looking a bit towards the marketing area, there are several businesses that decide to make an alliance, this alliance is executed through networks, this achieving a better projection on the part of both. But it does not happen if we are not willing to give on our part.

Be grateful to our public

Coming to the end, it is important to be grateful to those who follow us, so once you can thank, it never hurts. This is a company strategy and it works in marketing, and it is that in addition to a strategy, it is a nice gesture that we can have with our followers, making them part of our project. So, when you achieve a goal, do not award to yourself, instead seek to include your audience there, and it’s not a lie, thanks to them you meet your goals.

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