Oven vs air fryer: which saves more electricity?

Oven vs air fryer: which saves more electricity?

In order to save on your electricity bill, it is essential to use electrical appliances correctly. There can be important differences between different appliances, but also within the same type. There are some more efficient than others. In this article, we are going to talk to you about the differences, in consumption, between an oven and an air fryer. Which is more efficient? Are there really notable differences?

The air fryer is an appliance that has become popular in recent years due to its supposed savings in energy and oil. It has its positive and negative points, like everything else. But if we compare it to an oven, does it really save electricity? This depends on several factors.

Oven or air fryer to save

Generally speaking, we can say that an air fryer is more efficient than an oven. Therefore, you will be able to save electricity. Keep in mind that a fryer usually has a power of around 1,000 W (between 700 and 1,500 W, normally), while an oven usually exceeds 2,000 W. Therefore, just from that we can see that there is a difference in consumption.

But you also need to take into account the amount of time you’re going to use each appliance. An air fryer will generally be on for less time. Because of how it works, it’s more efficient and finishes cooking faster than an oven, which takes more time. Once again, the air fryer wins.

However, for this to really be the case, you need to take into account several factors. Firstly, what kind of appliance you are using is. It is important that it is efficient, that it works well and that you use it correctly. This means that you should turn it on for the appropriate amount of time, as well as not making any mistakes.

If we look at specific examples in a report by the OCU, for example, roasting a chicken in an electric oven consumes an average of 1.157 kWh. In contrast, with an air fryer we would consume 0.54 kWh, that is, less than half. Therefore, we can save by using one appliance or another, especially in optimal conditions and using it over time.

To give another example, they also compare making French fries in the oven or in the air fryer. In the first case, the consumption is 0.863 kWh, while with the fryer it is 0.287 kWh. Once again, there is a significant difference between using one appliance or another to cook and save energy.

Interior of an air fryer and electricity consumption

It’s not just the appliance that matters

Regardless of which appliance you use, it must be noted that not only that appliance itself will matter. Other factors will come into play, in order to save, such as the electricity rate you have contracted, whether or not you are taking advantage of the most economical hours (in case you have time discrimination) or using those devices correctly.

All of this will ultimately help you spend less electricity when cooking. The goal should always be to keep your appliances in good condition and use them properly to try to reduce energy consumption. Sometimes, small details can help you spend significantly less.

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