A heat wave is coming, but with this program you will have a cool PC


Summer is not only bad for people, it is also a terrible time for computer equipment. You have surely noticed how in summer the fans of your computer work faster than usual. Camomile is a small software that works on both Windows 10 and Windows 11 and allows you to reduce the temperature of your processor.

The operating temperature of a computer will always be higher than the ambient temperature. The problem is that the higher this value is, the more difficult it becomes to dissipate heat from the PC components.

This happens because ambient heat hinders cooling capacity. We may experience the computer shutting down in summer on occasion due to excessive temperature of a component. This phenomenon does not occur in winter, where temperatures are lower and the PC operates in a more “comfortable” manner.

This is how Camomile works

There are no miracle software programs that can help us control the temperature of our computer, especially if it is not properly maintained. The proposal by Outybe, developers of the Camomile software, involves making adjustments to the processor.

Specifically, this software modifies the frequency and operating voltages of our processor. It establishes mechanisms to reduce power peaks and thus reduce energy consumption.

Modern processors have so-called “boost frequencies”. This parameter is based on increasing the working frequency and consumption of the CPU or GPU at a given time when there is a high load. These frequencies are maintained for, at most, a few seconds.

At this point, the processor’s temperature increases substantially. At the same time, the speed of the fans increases, working hard to dissipate the increased heat.

The Camomile software aims to reduce these peaks and keep the processor within the speeds recommended by the manufacturer. Thanks to this mechanism, the processor’s efficiency is improved, thermal stress is reduced and, in laptops, autonomy is extended.

You should know that these settings affect performance, but is it a significant impact? The software developers have compared the performance of processing an Excel file with a million rows before and after the software. They indicate that there was a difference in Excel processing time of only 14 seconds with Camomile.

Outbyte points out that this program is more designed to optimize performance in everyday tasks such as browsing, multimedia or office work. After all, these are the main uses of PCs today, despite what many may think.

Download the program

This is not an interesting software for gamers or those who do heavy tasks such as video editing and/or photography. Here we will notice substantial performance losses that we are not really interested in. The program has been developed to limit overheating regardless of system use.

So, Camomile is an interesting software for laptops or for those who make average use of the system. If you are going to play games or perform complex and heavy processes, you should not use this tool. To try this free software, you can download it from here.

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