Proton VPN now has an interesting feature that greatly improves privacy when using the program


Proton VPN has launched a new feature that aims to further improve user privacy. What they are looking for with this is to prevent anyone from seeing that the device has this software installed. Specifically, it is a function called Discreet Icons. What it does is hide the application, so that it does not appear visible on the device. We are going to explain how it works exactly and in which cases it is useful.

This is mainly useful for users who connect in countries where the use of this type of application is prohibited. In the event of an inspection, if a problem arises and someone physically analyzes the device, they would not see the Proton VPN icon, so there would be no evidence that they are using this tool.

Proton VPN now hides the icon

Basically, the strategy is that it allows you to modify the icon and make it look like any other. You can turn it into the icon of a calculator, an application for writing notes, checking the weather, etc. Anything that does not raise suspicions and that looks like any other program, of the many that may be installed on the device.

At the moment, this feature is available for Android, but it is precisely in the case of mobile phones that it is most useful. In countries where the use of this type of software is prohibited, walking around with a mobile phone with a prohibited app installed can be dangerous. If the police stop to search you, all they will see is an icon of something that has nothing to do with Proton VPN.

So, this new feature is based on disguising the VPN application with any other. Whether you are in a country where it is prohibited to use this type of program, or if you simply want to hide it for any reason, Proton VPN now allows you to do so on Android in a simple way.

Anti-censorship system in Proton VPN

Anti-censorship protocol in Windows

There is also something new for Windows. It is an anti-censorship protocol called Stealth. In this case, it allows users to disguise VPN traffic as normal Internet traffic. This is something that was already available in other operating systems and now it is included in Microsoft’s.

Again, this is a feature specifically designed for users in countries where VPN usage is banned. They might even block users if they detect or suspect that they are using such apps. This could be a problem.

Now, with this feature, users will be able to go unnoticed when using this type of program on their system. They will be able to browse through Proton’s VPN, but it will seem like they are accessing the Internet directly, without using any server to act as an intermediary in the connection.

Ultimately, Proton VPN is updated with important new features both in the Android version, with the possibility of hiding the application icon, and also in Windows, by passing traffic unnoticed. You can use other interesting VPNs, such as Surfshark either NordVPNYou could even set up a VPN on your TV.

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