Resignation or leave of absence: what should you choose if you are going to leave your job?


In these times, it is more important than ever to have a job, whenever possible, and to keep it if we are happy. But unfortunately this is not always the case, or we simply have a variety of offers to choose from thanks to our training and knowledge.

Most citizens, and we are not just talking about our country, search for the job of their dreams throughout almost their entire life. It is not always easy to find it, so in many cases they have to settle for whatever comes along. But surely more than one of us has experienced that, once you have found a job that meets your needs, after a while other more interesting ones appear based on your training.

Or, why not say it, it could simply be that new jobs appear with more attractive economic conditions. At that moment we may ask ourselves a question that I am sure some of you have faced. We are referring to keeping the current job even if it does not convince us, or taking a risk, leaving everything, and opting for the new job to see if it works out for us.

This is a very important decision that can mark our future in the medium and long term. At this point we must bear in mind that we have an intermediate point before this choice. In reality we are referring to an alternative to which you have the right before resigning from your job permanently and losing all the accumulated seniority.

Requesting a leave of absence, a right that many do not know about

Specifically, we are referring to the fact that instead of resigning from our current job, which is not at all advisable if we have been with the company for many years, we can take advantage of this other possibility. We are referring to the alternative of requesting a leave of absence, since the company must provide it for a maximum period of 3 years.

sign contract

For example, this can be an excellent solution if we are not completely satisfied with the new job we are going to move to. It may be that we do not like it, it does not meet our expectations or we simply do not meet the requirements of the new company. This means that we will have the possibility of returning to the old one, something much less likely if we resign at the time.

In fact, it is important to know that the former company is required by law to offer us the first vacancy that appears in a position similar to the one we had before. In the event that they deny us this possibility, if we submit the leave of absence at the time, we will be entitled to unemployment benefits and the corresponding compensation that they will not have to pay. Basically, this means that before submitting our definitive resignation from the current job, we should consider this possibility.

By requesting a leave of absence, even if it is to access a new position in another company, we will always have the possibility of returning to the previous position with the benefits that this brings us. In this way, the risks we run when changing positions and companies are minimized.

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