I am a Lowi customer and I am going to travel abroad: what should I deactivate on my mobile phone to avoid surprises with my bill?


You’ve probably already experienced this situation: you go on a trip to a foreign country where roaming is charged and you come back feeling helpless because you’ve been charged a fortune. You’re not alone, and many users have probably ended up experiencing the same problem. But there’s no need to panic, because there’s a solution for everything. If you’re a Lowi customer and you’ve seen that your bill shows roaming data usage, you can fix it so it doesn’t happen again.

There are times when telephone companies do not adequately explain some of the errors that are often made when we make calls to premium rate numbers or use mobile data in other territories. And that is when we usually get a scare with our bills. Precisely, teleoperators are companies and have to make money at all costs to survive. However, they want customers to be satisfied with their services and, to do so, they put some advice on the table in their respective online help sections.

In the event that you have experienced some mishap with roaming data consumption with the Lowi teleoperator, it is important to know that there are solutions so that you do not have to worry during the trip. Keep in mind that there are places where roaming does not exist and, therefore, you can use your rate as if you were doing so in your country, and others where they can take advantage of you if you have your data activated. Below, we are going to tell you how to remedy the extra cost of roaming.

In which areas can I browse and talk with my Lowi rate?

All operators have a system for identifying territories that are “free” for making calls and accessing the Internet with your mobile, meaning that there will be no additional cost if you use your rate as if you were doing so in Spain. These areas are classified as border areas and at Lowi you have to pay attention if one of the countries you travel to is not part of that group and they will have their own roaming rates.

Zone 1 is considered one of the areas where roaming is the same as in Spain, so we won’t have any problems using our plan. However, the countries that are excluded are Andorra, Monaco, Switzerland or Morocco, so if you connect your data, you will have to deal with high costs.

Likewise, you can always access the Lowi calculator to check if the country you are travelling to would charge you additional costs and thus avoid receiving unwanted bills.

Image twitter user

Joshua ®


@Lowi_es I’m not running out of gigabytes, but charging €46 to remove data roaming on the plane, 2.73MB of consumption, you’re all for it. https://t.co/CoWdqF1rTh

September 16, 2024 • 19:53



How can I avoid being charged for roaming at Lowi?

Regarding the areas with different roaming rates, Lowi states the following: “Air coverage, if you travel by plane, and maritime coverage, if you travel by boat, is very expensive. That is why at Lowi, so that you do not have any surprises on your bill, we have restricted this service on our lines.”

However, to avoid any risk and not have to worry about whether you will be charged or not on the site you visit, it is necessary to deactivate data roaming and put your mobile in airplane mode. To do this, you will simply have to go to your smartphone’s settings, click on Mobile networks and then deactivate data roaming. In the case of airplane mode, you will have to pull down the notification bar to mark the shortcut.

With this configuration you will be sure to travel with complete peace of mind, without worrying about possible expenses that could ruin your vacation.

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