Another incomprehensible change on Twitter (X): you will no longer be able to block users


Since Elon Musk’s acquisition of the social network X, formerly known as Twitter, controversy has not stopped bombarding the platform. To a large extent, all of this is given by certain decisions and movements made by the magnate owner of the automobile company, Tesla.

Basically with this, what we want to tell you is that a good part of the decisions made by Musk have not had the desired acceptance by the users of the social platform. In fact, most have received more criticism than praise, as we assume will happen with this latest change that is going to occur.

Specifically, we are talking about a functionality that the tycoon himself has been talking about for a long time and questioning its real usefulness on the social platform. We are referring to the possibility of blocking other users on X. Well, this is a feature that from now on will change radically with respect to the way we know it right now. This is a movement that has been talked about for a long time and that in fact has been highly criticized by the majority of users.

But as Musk has shown over the last few months, the opinion of the social network’s users does not seem to matter too much to him. The truth is that until now the blocking option provided extra security to certain accounts that used it. Until now, blocked people could not establish contact with the accounts that had blocked them, neither publicly nor privately.

What’s more, those blocked users could not even see the publications of those who made use of this function.

Account blocking feature disappears in X

From Elon Musk’s point of view, this is a useless and poorly designed feature. The main reason given is that blocked users could access the platform without entering their credentials and see those denied publications again. They could do the same by simply accessing X using any other account they had active.

block accounts

But from now on the operation of this blocking tool will change radically. Blocked accounts will still not be able to contact blockers; However, their posts will be visible despite having been blocked. This means that if these entries on the social network are public, disallowed accounts will continue to have access to them.

What’s more, Musk said some time ago that this was a tool that, despite its enormous acceptance, should completely disappear from the platform. Therefore, we could say that perhaps this is only the first step towards its total disappearance in the future. Without a doubt, this is something that most will not like. For years, many users have made use of this feature to avoid encountering unwanted content and blocking accounts with publications that they do not want to see under any circumstances.

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