Check if you are wasting money with this Internet test


When contracting Internet, it is important to know if you are really going to take advantage of what you are paying for. You may be wasting money, since you do not reach the contracted speed. This can happen for different reasons, but one of the main reasons is coverage. In this article, we are going to talk to you about how you can know if you are really getting what you are paying for or not. It can help you save money every month.

Not all users connect to the Internet in the same way, nor do they all need the same speed. Therefore, it is a good idea to see what speed it reaches, whether you are navigating correctly or not and compare it with what you have contracted. Maybe you are paying for something you have never enjoyed, which would not be positive.

Test your speed

It’s as simple as making a Speed ​​Test. Especially, this is useful for those who connect to the Internet from the same place. For example, you may have a computer in a room and you always connect from there. It is in that place, therefore, where you are interested in analyzing what speed you have.

What you are going to do is an Internet speed test from that computer. With this you will check what speed you receive. If you connect via Wi-Fi, the problem with coverage could be a cause of being limited. However, it could also be wired if you do not have a Gigabit Ethernet port or use poor wiring.

The objective of knowing the speed is to be able to compare it with what you have contracted. For example, you might see about 100 Mbps. That’s the actual speed you’re getting. However, the bandwidth, what you have contracted, could be much higher. You could have, for example, 600 Mbps contracted and you are wasting 500.

If you see that this is the case, and what you receive is really enough for your daily life, you could consider hiring a lower, more economical rate. Another alternative would be to try to improve that coverage, connect by cable, use a repeater, etc.

Hire lower speed Internet

Check the connection and devices

Beyond the speed test, and seeing if it is really worth it to have the contracted rate and not another, you should check your connection and the devices you have connected. There may be an error in the configuration, the network may be saturated, or there may be interference that causes Wi-Fi to go poorly.

All of this will affect the speed of your network. If you connect wirelessly, it will be more sensitive and you may have more trouble achieving optimal performance. We recommend that you look at all this very carefully and try to make the connection go as well as possible, with good stability and speed. You can always see the maximum speed of the Wi-Fi card.

Keep in mind that when performing the speed test, it would be interesting to do it with two devices. This way, you will be able to rule out problems in one of them. Maybe you have a limited network card, a Wi-Fi receiver that does not have high capacity, or there is a specific problem with that device.

In short, we recommend that you check what Internet speed reaches you right where you usually connect and compare it with what you have contracted. If you see that you are receiving much less speed, perhaps you should reconsider contracting a lower rate and thus be able to save money, as long as you don’t need more.

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