Check of 1000 euros for each child born after 2007: everything about this aid that only has one requirement


Maintaining a family has never been easy, especially in these times when the prices of anything are through the roof. Hence, all help is little, especially if we have one or more children in our care.

Hence precisely in these same lines we are going to talk to you about a benefit that we will be able to collect in the current year 2025 if we meet a series of requirements. To give you a more approximate idea, the help we are referring to is focused on all those who currently have one or more children in their care. You just have to meet a series of requirements to receive it.

We are talking about a single check for a value of 1000 euros for each child that we currently have in our care. There is no doubt that this benefit will be greatly appreciated by a good number of families in our country, but first we must be attentive to the requirements required to be able to access this check.

Requirements for the aid of 1000 euros per child

As is usually the case in these cases, in order to benefit from this benefit that we mention, it is essential to meet a series of requirements before requesting it. Below we show what the requirements are to see first-hand if we comply with them. First of all, it is worth mentioning that this is help that comes from Social Security to support families who have expenses derived from the adoption, guardianship or fostering of minors.

  • Be legal resident in Spain.
  • Have children in our care who were born after November 2007.
  • Be part of a large family where one of the parents or adopters will decide who will be the beneficiary.
  • Being part of a single-parent family with whom the minor or minors live.
  • This aid is also aimed at families in which one of the parents has a recognized disability equal to or greater than 65%.
  • At the same time, neither of the parents can be receiving similar benefits from mutual societies or another public social services organization at this time.
  • In the event that the minor has been orphaned by both parents or adopters, the natural person who legally takes care of him or her will be the beneficiary.

help children

In the event that we meet these requirements that we mentioned, we will have the possibility of requesting this single check of 1000 euros for each dependent child. Say that to make the request through the Internet, it is something that we can carry out directly from this link of Social Security.

Documentation necessary to request the check

In turn, whether we make the request in person at a Social Security building, or online through the mentioned link, we will need a series of essential documentation. Although it may vary slightly depending on the circumstances of each applicant, let’s see what common documentation they will ask of us.

  • Documentation pertaining to the identity of the parents.
  • Family book or birth certificates of children, issued by the Civil Registry.
  • Proof of income.

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