Check this on your devices and you will save a lot on your electricity bill


Having control of electrical appliances and devices connected to electricity is essential to save on the electricity bill. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk about some things that you should review. The goal is to pay less each month and use the equipment optimally. Keep in mind that some small changes or adjustments that you can make can mean significant savings. Everything adds up, although there are some things that influence more.

Not all electrical appliances consume the same, but in practically all of them you will be able to change something so that they consume less. In addition, depending on the model you have, that saving may be greater. For example, an air conditioner can consume much more than an older or worse configured one.

What to control to pay less electricity

Although factors such as the contracted rate come into play, whether or not you have hourly discrimination or how much you use a device, you will also be able to control some things to reduce consumption. It is not difficult and you can notice significant savings.

control the temperature

Something very important is to control the temperature. You must do it in devices such as air conditioning or a stove. You do not need to have the house at a temperature that is too low in summer, or too high in winter. More or less 20 degrees in winter and about 24 degrees in summer, it is optimal to save.

You can also apply this in the case of the refrigerator. Every degree you raise the temperature, you can save about 7%. Don’t keep the fridge and freezer at too low a temperature. Having it at 5-6 degrees and about -18, respectively, is ideal.

Use Eco mode

Many household appliances have an Eco mode, with which you can save electricity. For example, you can use it in appliances like the dishwasher or washing machine. This means that it will use less power, since it heats the water less for washing. Normally you will not need to have a more powerful program.

With this you will also be able to save a lot. It will depend on the type of appliance and what mode you compare it with, but in some cases it can amount to 40% savings. Check carefully what mode you have put on your appliances and with that you can reduce electricity consumption.

Don’t leave them on Stand By

This is also important. Stand By can represent 10% of total electricity consumption. It is the phantom consumption, what you are always consuming even if you are not using those devices. For example, the LED on the TV that is always on. Also the microwave clock, chargers…

Anything you can completely disconnect from electricity, the better. You can help yourself with power strips and in this way it is easier to turn off many things at once.

Devices in Stand By

Be careful with the components

But you should not only take into account the consumption of the specific devices that we have mentioned, but also possible components that you connect. For example, on television you may have speakers, controls, a game console, a video player… All these devices can consume a lot of electricity.

Ideally, you should turn them all off when you are not using them. Do not leave components of these devices always connected, since they will be spending some electricity and will contribute to the total bill each month.

In short, as you can see, you can make some adjustments. Reviewing all this that we have mentioned in your devices can help you save on your electricity bill. Paying less is up to you, as long as you don’t make mistakes and make some useful and simple changes.

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