An essential tool of any operating system is the Command Prompt. From this instrument, we can enter commands to order our team to execute complex tasks and, in the process, also solve certain problems at specific times.
These commands are powerful commands that will allow us to delve into the bowels of the operating system, but to do so, we must have some caution and a minimum of knowledge when executing them, since we do not want to deconfigure essential settings and then go to a professional to correct them. . Some of them will even require administrator permissions to be executed correctly.
A list of the most requested by users
To use these commands, you will have to open the Start menu and type the word “CMD” in its search engine. This will open the Command Prompt drop-down menu and allow you to run the following commands.
- dir: is the specific command to display the content of a location. Its variables have dir /P to stop right after each screen and dir /AH for hidden files in the location you are in.
- tasklist: it will help you see the processes that are running at that moment within your system. It is an alternative process to the Windows task manager.
- shutdown: shutdown or restart the system. There are variables such as shutdown /s: to turn it off immediately, shutdown /s /t 60 to do it after sixty seconds, shutdown /r, which restarts the computer, or shutdown /r /t 30: which does it after 30 seconds.
- systeminfo: here you will find specific and detailed information about the system, such as the version of your OS or the hardware your computer has.
- cls: By running this command, you will clean everything written and executed in the console so far.
- ping: Here you can access connectivity features such as your IP address or the name of a server. For example, ping and you can check the status of your connection with our website.
- ipconfig: This command provides you with necessary information about the PC’s network configuration, including IP addresses or the configuration of your own local network.
- netstat: will provide you with active network connections and their available or closed ports. Essential to solve network problems.
- tracert – Maps the route that data packets take to reach a specific destination on the network. This way you can see all the steps of your search until you reach the desired destination.
- del: quickly delete files from the command prompt itself. You have to be especially careful with this one, because it does not send them to the recycling bin, but rather you will lose them forever.
- copy: copy files from one point to another on your computer. And not only that, but it can also be used for backups.
- mkdir: is the command prompt’s way of creating a new folder wherever you choose. A simple example could be “mkdir advanced_mathematics”
- sfc /scannow: scans the computer’s directories to find problematic files, and repair them if there are any. This can save you from some headaches.
- chkdsk: used to analyze hard drives and repair possible errors on them. You can go to this tool if you smell that your PC is extremely slow.
- msconfig: you will run your computer’s configuration tool.
- format: If you decide to use this command, use extreme caution. Format your hard drives without the possibility of recovering any information.
- xcopy – An advanced tool for copying files. Provides suborders for folders.
- attrib: if you want to change parameters of your files, such as hiding them or changing them to reading mode, it is your command.
- net user: Modify, add or delete user profiles on your Windows system.
- runes: amplifies the previously mentioned command to access applications with the configurations of another user. Effective for certain administrator permissions.
- diskpart: if “format” formatted our hard drives, it allows defragmentation, creation or deletion of partitions if any. But as we have said before, be careful, because it can modify the data structure of our main memory.
- regedit: allows you to edit the Windows registry. An advanced task that many users should avoid to avoid damaging the operation of the hardware.
- taskkill: A video game or application won’t close? Don’t worry, as long as you write the »taskkill / command (and the corresponding name of what you want to close), your problems will end.
- powercfg: useful for managing the power consumption of your device, and especially useful in laptops that want to improve the efficiency of their battery.
- cipher: With this utility, you can open files in NTFS and monitor your encrypted files in some specific location.
If this is the first time you come across this list, don’t be scared, with a little practice, you will master the main parameters of your system. Practice makes perfect.